Chapter 5

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"Well I don't like it." Wendy said, scowling.
"Did I not just say it didn't matter?" Romeo hastily replied and I clenched my fist.
"Why do you even care what I think?" She spat and I couldn't take it any longer.
"Because you guys are friends and friends care about each other!" I yelled, Romeo sighed and nodded.
"She's right you know." He said and Wendy shook her head.
"No, she's wrong, we aren't friends anymore." Wendy stated and turned away, walking off angrily.
"I'm sorry.." I said as Romeo sat on the ground in defeat.
"Don't be." He said, staring at the ground, emotionless.
"But this is my fault." I took a deep breath and turned away from Romeo.
"Get him back to the guild." I said to Natsu, then turned into my shadow form and ran as fast as I could. I don't know what the point of joining the guild was if I was just going to run away. I shouldn't have ever joined them. I should've went to sabertooth instead. That's where I would've gone anyway. I hope they'll accept me.

It took all the rest of the day to get to their guild hall, but I got there. I walked in and saw a woman with long dark purple-ish hair.
"Um hello, may I talk to the master?" I asked timidly and she nodded.
"Follow me." She said and we walked down a long hallway, we went by a big opening that led to the rest of the guild, but we kept going. At the end of the hallway there was a big blue door, the woman knocked on it, not opening it right away.
"Sting, open up!" She yelled and he replied back a moment later.
"What do you want Minerva?" So that's her name... Minerva.
"You have a visitor." I heard a bit of rustling then a loud crash and he opened the door a second later, rubbing his head.
"Yes?" His gruff voice half shouted, I looked up at him and waved lightly.
"Come in?" He offered and I nodded, walking past him.
"So, what is a fairy like you doing here?" I blushed and looked at him as he shut the door.
"F-fairy..?" He chuckled a nodded sheepishly.
"Because you're a member of Fairy Tail." He pointed at my guild mark and I sighed, good, I thought he was flirting at first, I don't know why he would though, I don't know why anyone would even like me. I guess that's a question i'll have to save for Romeo.
"Well yeah but... I don't want to go back, they don't trust me." His chair creaked as he sat down in front of me.
"I heard what happened, it was just a misunderstanding, they want you to come back." I shook my head quickly.
"I can't, I almost hurt Wendy." He raised an eyebrow and I sighed, requipping out my gun.
"I shot at her with this, but I purposely missed, so I just scared her and she wasn't hurt. Wendy and a guy with yellow hair came to get me to come back." I looked down at my gun and sighed deeply.
"Oh, yeah, Laxus is his name by the way. Master Makarov told me what had happened in case you went to any neighboring guilds." Sting commented and I bit my lip.
"Do they know i'm here?" Someone knocked on the door just as I asked and Sting shouted.
"What?" The door opened and a guy with black hair covering one of his eyes came in.
"Fairy Tail members are here, looking for a girl named Katherine." I shook my head at Sting and he sighed.
"I'll go talk to them, and tell them she isn't here." I smiled at Sting in a thankful manner as he walked out of the office. The guy with black hair stayed.
"Who are you?" He asked and I requipped my gun away.
"Katherine." He nodded and crossed his arms.
"You?" I asked and he looked at me piercingly, with his one eye that wasn't hidden.
"Rogue, shadow dragon slayer." Shadow magic... the same that I use.
"You use shadow magic?" He just nodded in response.
"So do I." I commented and he smiled, Sting then walked in.
"So-" He stopped when he saw Rogue smiling.
"Did I interrupt?" Rogue just coughed and stopped smiling in an awkward manner.
"Nope, not all." He said, pushing past Sting, and walking away.
"What did I interrupt?" Sting groaned, looking over to me skeptically.
"We use the same magic, he seemed... happy." I said, smiling a little bit.
"So Lucy was here, with Natsu, and Romeo." Sting said, making me glance behind him.
"Romeo come on, they said she wasn't here!" I could hear Natsu yelling down the hallway.
"Why didn't you make them leave?" I asked, annoyed.
"They could tell I was lying?" He shrugged, I stared past him, and gasped just as Romeo turned the corner.
"Kat!" I slammed the door shut as he called my name and sighed deeply.
"I need to get out of here." Glancing around the room, I noticed there were no other doors but the one I was holding shut.
"Can't you use your magic?" Sting leaned against the door with me.
"No, I used up all my magic power as I was running earlier." I could hear Romeo approach the door.
"Kat, please." He knocked on the door lightly.
"Ugh can you just... back up." I demanded and opened the door a moment after.
"Give me one good reason why I should come back Romeo." He half smiled gently and replied with a smile.
"I'll miss you if you leave."

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