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2022: ..... I was 15 when I wrote this. Im 20 now.. LMAO. 

2019 update: This whole story plot is a mess. But it's a good book I promise !

This is the first ever Mateo Book to get so much praise and comments. You'll have so many emotions reading this I'm warning you now.

Let me start off by telling you that No that is not Mateo in the book cover.

I've edited the picture to make it look like him. Without further A due, let's get to it. - Miaa

Serenity 🌸

Grabbing the hot plates quickly, I rush out the kitchen and into the busy diner. As I pass by a group of laughing and smiling teenagers I look at the time. Yep, it's the morning rush bunch. I sigh as I look out the window on the way to table number eight. It's a snow day which means I most likely will not get off of work until late tonight.

" Here you guys go. One triple stack of blueberry and one kids junior breakfast." I smile as I place each plate in front of them. The little girl looks up at me and gives me the most biggest, cutest smile ever. " Thank you." She says.

" oh you're very so welcome." I respond. I nod my head at the dad and turn to leave. Before I could take another step, he pulls me back. I press my lips together and put my head down to the ground, knowing what was coming next.

" Look Serenity.. We haven't talked in a while an-"

I cut him off, shaking my head in the process. ' Trae there isn't anything to talk about. You wanted us to be over so we are. End of conversation. " I turn to leave again, but was stopped once more.

" I know and I regret it Serenity. I don't know what you was thinking ." He sighs and shakes his head. I bite my lip and look back down to the ground. It's been a whole 2 months since we broke up. The pain I went through after our breakup cant compare to anything else I had went through before.

" Ren swing by my house when you get off work.. Better yet, I'll pick you up. I really do wanna talk with you... On some serious level shit." He grabs my hands and holds them. My heart starts to beat a little faster than normal. My stomach seems to have butterflies in them already.

" Oooh daddy you cursed. Bad daddy! You go in time out!" His daughter beams and then giggles. I quickly remove my hands from his making him look up at me.

" I know Areah. Daddy isn't supposed to curse, I'm sorry." He says, his greenish hazel eyes still locked into mine. Before he could say anything else I could hear my name being called somewhere else.

" Coming!" I say

The hours went by really slow. It was finally closing time, is just me here tonight. I sigh as I wipe down the last table. On my way back to the employee lounge, I turn off the kitchen lights. I grab my black bubble coat and my purse and come back out. I narrow my eyes to adjust to the bright beaming car lights right in front of the cafe doors. I put on a smile, already knowing who it is.

I turn the last set of lights off and pull out the diner keys as I go out the door. I lock up the diner doors and turn to the black BMW. A tall brownskin with freckles across his face, dressed in black ripped jeans and a black air Jordan shirt, came out the car smiling as he closed the car door. I smile with my head down, trying show that I want him back.

" Come here Ren. I see you smiling." He chuckles as he leans on the car with open arms. I raise my head up and give in, walking right into his arms. He gives me a big bear hug while rocking me back and forth.

" See, this isn't so bad right. I know you missed it like I did." He whispers in my ear as I let go. Trae opens the door for me and I slip inside. A few seconds later the other car door opens and the car starts up.

I admire him as he backs out the parking lot. He's such a cute boy. His eyes then focus on me, we just stare at each other. " eyes on the road.." I break the silence, letting out a giggle. He smiles showing his pearly whites.

" Look, I know you miss us... Why are you holding back." His deep voice gives me the chills. I sigh and shake my head. I just have this feeling it isn't going to be the same love like before.

" Trae I don't even know. I'm just not ready I guess." I look up at him. His eyes were still on the road, but his facial expression was sad. Even maybe a few tears were shed down his face. I take my index finger and wipe the tears away. The car came to a halt, we were right infront of my house.

My body was aching for me to kiss his lips just one more time. It's been a while since I felt them. We both give each other a look of lust. It's like we wanted to just make love then and there, but couldn't.

My area was throbbing like a heartbeat was there. I bit my lip and slip my hand I between my thighs to try and make it stop. " Serenity... one last time... Please."

I've been waiting for those words..

April 22 2017 notice: You will see spelling errors in this book because auto correct hates my ass. Just warning you now.

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