Chapter one

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(Your POV)
    I sat next to my friend Randy. We both doing our own separate things, I was sketching in my journal and Randy seemed to be in some sorta day dream. I noticed the old woman who cared for us, she called everyone to supper. I felt my stomach roar like an angry Trico.
   "Oh dear, I am so hungry." I spoke in a quiet tone. Randy snapped out of his trance and he looked around, his eyes widen in fear.
   "Did you hear that, it sounded like a Trico!" He squeaked as he looked around frantically.
  "Calm down, it was only my stomach rumbling, now let's go to the mess hall, it's supper  time!"  I said with a broad smile. Randy rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his hip.
   "Your always hungry (Y/N)." Randy spoke as he got to his feet. I smiled and grabbed his hand, as I lead him to the mess hall to eat.
   After supper was over, I helped clean up and headed to my cot. I tucked my drawing journal under my pillow and curled up into a ball. I didn't really feel tired at all, I wanted to do something besides sleeping.
    I listen to the others around me begin to snore like wild boars. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to drift off to sleep. I began to dream of wild grass that danced in the wind as tiny little blue butterflies fluttered around. It was a beautiful place, left untouched by mankind! I grinned like a silly fool as I wandered around the place.
     There was a deep growling sound. I felt my heart skip a few beats as I turned around to see a huge Trico with armor. It's glowing eyes gawked a me a bit. The creature was known to have a craving on human flesh, which made me very uncomfortable. I stood there as still as a rock trying not  draw any attention.
   The thing lunged at me and I heard a scream, which wasn't my own. I jolted awake from the nightmare and I noticed the window shudders were moving slightly.  I sat there frozen to my cot. I hoped it's just the wind and not a man eating monster outside! 
   The window opened up and two glowing eyes appeared in the darkness of night. I silently screamed and hide under my cover, I didn't want to be face to face with this beast!
    I shivered on fear and peeked through the covers, I noticed that the Trico had managed to squeeze it's large head in. It seemed interested in my best friend Randy! Oh that fluff ball, stay away from my best friend. I thought to myself.
  I watched hopelessly as the creature picked the sleepy Randy and the next part almost made me lose my supper. The thing swallowed my best friend whole! I screamed loudly, waking the snoring kids and adults, who sprang into action to get rid of the beast. I felt my heart shatter, Randy my only friend. He was now gone...

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