Chapter two

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(Your POV)
     I grabbed a spear and launched it at the beast. It roared and slashed at the villagers. That thing ate my friend, I will never forgive it!  I grabbed another spear and aimed for the creature's eyes.
   "This is what you get for eating my best friend!" I hurled the spear at the Trico. The spear had missed the animal's eyes, but it landed a blow in the creature's flank. The massive winged beast roared which sounded like distant thunder. It spread it's ink black wings and flew into the darkness of night. The villagers hollered and yelled driving it further and further away from everyone.
   I felt my heart pound like an angry war drum.  My hands rolled into fists and I stormed off into the woods. I yelled angrily and took my temper out on a local tree. After serval punches, I grew weak. I slid against the smooth bark of the oak tree and looked at my red, bruised hand. Tears pooled down my face, and I turned my nose to the starry sky and wept.
    "I am so sorry Randy." I sobbed whispering that sentence over and over.  I wiped away the salty tears and stared at the dirt.
   "I will avenge you," I whispered to myself. "That beast shall pay for what it has done to you Randy!" I got up and looked up the stars.
   "I promise you Randy, I will hunt that evil tyrant!" I closed my eyes and sighed. I walked back to the cots and it seemed the  village was in a panic. I stood there watching as the villagers scurried along the paths as if they were mice being hunted by a cat! I held my drawing journal and looked at my drawings. I smiled weakly and shut the book. Every child was allowed to go back to sleep on their cot, and I walked over to my cot. Sleep put me under it's spell and in a matter of seconds, I was asleep.
  I woke early in the morning and I rubbed my sore head. I had the weirdest dream, Randy was there, he had weird tattoos all over, he tried to talk, but not a word came out of him. I quickly pull my journal out and quickly sketch what I saw from the dream.
  Was the ghost of Randy showing me where that good for nothing  cat thing was located? Soon all the children woke and we went to the mass hall. I sat alone and looked at my notes, this doodle looked so odd.
   I stuffed my face with hard bread and honey as I studied the sketch closely. I heard my name get called and I went over to the person in charge. They assigned me to wash clothing.
    I groaned as the villagers piled there stinky fabrics into a pile and it smelled awful. I muttered, as I hand washed the filthy shirts. I signed as I stared at the mountain high of dirty clothes. I kept washing and I couldn't stop  thinking Randy.

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