Chapter 17

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   (Your POV)
     I growled and punched a pine tree nearby. My hand began to turn red and pain crept into my hand. I frowned and clutched my bow closely.
   "Darn forest, I haven't even spotted a single animal!" I grumbled. I guess that I should search for editable plants, because it seems I won't be catching any animal to eat.
    I tucked my bow close to myself and began to search for any editable plant food. Each step I took, took me deeper into the woods. With a determined look, I keep pressing on!
    (Randy's POV)
     I began to climb over rocks and pieces of the ruins that has fallen. My eyes kept focusing looking for a light barrel. Mr.Trico was hungry and so I needed to feed him. Sometimes I feel like Mr.Trico is sorta like NY pet. 
   A dim light glowed softly and my eyes widen. I cautiously made my way through the wreckage. My arms wrapped around the heavy barrel and I headed back to Mr.Trico. I softly started to hum an old melody that someone had taught me as a young lad. I walked quietly towards Mr. Trico.
   (Mr.Trico's POV)
     I laid down on the ground and started at the sky. My stomach was complaining for not getting any food, but my I know the human boy is fetching it for me. I turned on my side and let out a deep sigh.
    I closed my eyes and drifted off into a light sleep. Fragments of bad memories played in my head like a broken record. The memories became terrible nightmares that left me a mess. I jolted awake and breathed heavily. I didn't want to deal with the nightmares, it drove me crazy.
   (Piglet's POV)
    It been hours or maybe days, I lost count. I missed (Y/N) a lot, they were my only friend and hero. Now, who knows where the cow turd that (Y/N) is at! I leaned against a fallen log and was busy sharping my wooden spear.
   I glanced over at Glass to see what the unicorn was doing. He seemed busy grazing on grass to pay attention to me. Glass was my only friend right now. I care for him very much and yet not even Glass could replace (Y/N) my hero.
   (Glass's POV)
     I glanced at the young maiden who was busy constructing some sorta stabbing device. I grazed softly, eating mouthfuls of the sweet forest grass. My mind began to wandered a bit as I thought about Piglet and I.
     It all started on the day my unicorn mother died of an unknown reason and the kind hearted girl saw me. The little miracle gave me a chance of life and not dying alone.
     I noticed that Piglet seemed a not down today. I trotted over and nudged her hand. She turned her attention toward me and I allowed her pet me gently.  I laid down next to her and laid my head on her lap.


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