Chapter 27

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(Randy's POV)
I rubbed my sleepy eyes and glanced over to see Mr.Trico was already up. He was sniffing the ground, his ears were twitching. I looked at the beast curiously, and I approached him quietly.
"Hey bud,what are you doing?" I looked at the creature. He looks at me and made a low growling noise, his tail swished back and forward. I think he wants to show me something. I climb onto his back and the mighty Mr.Trico began to move and leap onto the pillars. He was going further away from the big nest thing, which concerned me.
(Your POV)
I was busy petting Sass's belly when her ears shot forward. She began to slightly twitch and she got up, nearly crushing me in the process. Sass began to look around and I realized she wanted to show me something!
I climbed up onto her back and she began to go into a completely random direction. I clung to her feathery fur for dear life. I was unsure what had gotten into Sass. I sighed and closed my eyes.
I felt Sass come to a sudden halt. I opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings. Sass sits down as if she was waiting for someone. I remained on her back, still unsure what to expect.
(Mr.Trico's POV)
I had picked up the scent of another Trico. I growled softly, but the scent reminded me of someone. A light bulb lit up in my brain, as I realized the scent belonged to my littermate! I haven't seen her in many moons, could she possibly be all grown up?
I looked at the lad and tried to signal him to follow me. He seemed to understand and climbed onto my back. I began to make my way through the wreckage.
(Sass's POV)
A cool breeze had blown in from the east. There was a strange scent in the wind. I couldn't place my talon on it! Why did that scent remind me of someone? Wait, could it belong to... my littermate! My ears shot forward and my tail swished eagerly.
It was the scent of my brother, he must be around here somewhere! I haven't seen him since the big thunderstorm that caused major flooding in the land. I glanced at my human pal who seemed to be spaced out
I needed to follow this scent to find my brother before I am too late! The human looked at me as if they could understand me! They got onto my back and we were off!
(Randy's POV)
Mr.Trico ran at the speed of light, he slower down a little. I became curious and looked around as Mr.Trico slowly walked through the ruins. I heard him make a low soft growl and he seemed to be a bit tensed.
   I pet him gently and whispered comforting things to Mr.Trico. He came to a halt and there stood another trico, but she was much smaller. The little female had something on it's back. No wait its a human, my jaw dropped as my eyes laid on (Y/N)...

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