Chapter 11

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  (Piglet's POV)
     I strolled through the woods, with an armful of strong sturdy firewood. I couldn't help, but to marvel at the splendid beauty of the woods in the morning light. The fresh morning dew sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight. The air was crisp and clean and had the sweet smell of fresh lavender and ripe wild berries.
    There was a soft whimpering sound. I quickly tried to locate where the noise was coming from, but all that I could see was forest! I decided to go right and as I walked cautiously through the undergrowth. The whimpering sound grew louder and louder ever step I took.
   My heart began to race and I felt my palms become sweaty. Soon the sound was so loud, I coveted my ears. My eyes scanned my surroundings and soon I laid eyes on an unusual creature.
   A young unicorn fawn laid there, next to it laid a lifeless form. The body seem to be a bigger unicorn,my guess it was the little colt's mother. I stood there bewildered at this beautiful majestic creature! Unicorns are very rare, they usually hide in the depths of the forest.
    I was so unsure what to do. The poor colt was grieving over the loss of his dear mother. I set the wood down and slowly approach the unicorn baby. I inched closer and closer, doing my best not to startle it.
   (Your POV)
     I rubbed my sleepy eyes and soon took noticed that Piglet was no where to be seen! I began to become worried about the poor thing!
    "Where is she?" I muttered to myself. I pit my hand on my chin and decided to use some logical thinking. Maybe she went to go to the bathroom? I wasn't sure, but all I knew is that, I was very hungry!
  (Randy's POV)
     I noticed there were more trials ahead! I had finished exploring the whole entire are! I began to search for Mr.Trico when I saw his tail. I began to climb the feathery tale, he seemed calm around me that's good!
   As I climbed up the tail, I soon noticed that something was off. It wasn't Mr.Trico, it was another wild Trico. I felt my heart hammer in my chest and it began to move. I felt a pair of glowing eyes look at me, which made me stood there frozen like an iceberg.
    It roared and like that I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. The massive predator was hot on my heels, man I am so dead meat! My eyes noticed a little cave and I sprinted over to the cave. I crawled brought the tight space and took a few deep breaths.
    The wild Trico wasn't going to give up easily. It used it's talons to try to dig the cave, so it could gobble me up! I slowly inch away, trying to escape the claws of death! Swear dripped off my brow and I looked up at the sky.
   "Mr.Trico,please help me!" I cried into the wilderness and the trico growled and kept trying to get to me. I escapes the cave and jogged away, the trico hot on my heels once again.

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