chapter 16

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       (Randy's POV)
      I jerked awake from my odd dream and I turned my head to see Mr.Tree snoring softly. I inched away from the comfy spot, and walked a few feet away. I felt my eyes water a bit and my knees felt like jelly.
   I fell to my knees and began to sob quietly. My tears ran down my cheeks. I had bottled up all my emotions that it became overwhelming! I felt my nose start to become runny, but I didn't care.
    After maybe a good solid ten minutes of balling my eyes out, I looked up at the sky. It was growing late, the sun would be setting soon. My ears tuned into the sound of movement.
    I whirled around to see Mr. Trico was waking up. He must have noticed that it was growing to night time. I climbed onto his feathery back and clutched on for dear life. Mr. Trico began to move, and leap onto a few pillars, he soon landed at an opening and stopped.
  I soon grew confused on what he was doing.
   "Mr.Trico why did you stop?" I asked the creature quietly. He laid down on the ground and a small whimper came from him. Soon I caught on what he was wanting.
   The poor thing wanted something to eat, he wanted more of those weird glowing barrels! I slid off his back and gently pet his pink belly.
   "I be right back Mr.Trico!" I ran off into the opposite direction to find the light barrels.
   (Your POV)
     I ran into what seemed to be a huge dirt wall! I fell onto my bum and scratched my head confused.
   "What is this walk here for?" I studied it quietly, having no clue what it was doing here. I tried to see if there was a way over it, but it was too slippery for me to climb.
    Then there was the sound of wings flapping. I quickly took shelter in a bush and peeked out.  I saw one an armor Trico with Ir's large wings expanded it almost looked like a vulture  searching for left over dead stuff.
     I watched in silence as it flew over the dirt walk as if it was nothing. An idea popped into my head, but I didn't like it one bit! The only way for me to enter this  place I need to have a trico fly me over.
     I shuddered at the idea, I saw with my own eyes what those things do. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, it was growing dark. Which means I should build up camp nearby and tomorrow set off to find a trico to carry me over the wall.
   I pulled out my camping supplies and began to set up things. Once it was all finished, I set out with my bow to catch something to eat!  I began to look around for any sign of movement. The forest close by the dirt wall seemed to be empty or maybe I was wrong..

Lost (The last guardian X reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora