Chaptet 10

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   (Quick Author's note!) (Thank you all for the eleven stars:) (back 2 the story!)  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  (Your POV)
   I grew tired and it seems Piglet had as well. After she had cried serval tears, she had drifted off to sleep in my lap. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and picked Piglet up and set her against the tree and I sat down and stared at the stars.
   It was so beautiful outside, my eyes widen as I noticed a shooting star sped across the sky. I closed my eyes and silently wish that I could avenge my best friend.  I yawned and pulled out my fur pelt and gently wrapped the warm rabbit fur pelt on Piglet to keep her warm.
   I sighed and wrapped myself with a deer pelt which was a tattered blanket and not as comfy as the rabbit fur one. I smiled softly and looked once more up at the sky.
   (Randy's POV)
    I tossed Mr.Trico a light barrel and went up some old stone stairs. There was this strange elevator thingy and my curiosity grew.  Mr.Trico had followed me, he seemed to be a bit uneasy. I walked onto the weird designed floors when a glowing blue light came from the floorboards.
   My eyes widen in shock and I quickly stepped off the thing and it turns back to normal. I was so confused by this object, it left my brain in a liquid form. I glanced over at my fuzzy buddy  who simply whines.
   I set my foot on it again and the symbols began to glow and a steel cage like elevator appeared. I slipped into the thing and close it. Mr. Trico began to whimper and try yo follow me.
   "Stay there!" I ordered him. The elevator began to move and it brought me to a whole different area.
   "What is this place?" I asked to my self.
  (??? POV)
    I sniffed the ground quietly, my nose wrinkled up a bit. The scent belonged to a stingy two legged monster called humans. I growled and my eyes scanned the area. The humans were nearby and I felt my stomach growl.
    I opened my jet black wings and took off into the air and glided from tree to tree. I will hint down theses simpletons and
I be able to feed myself!
   (Piglet's POV)
     Sunlight pooled down and my eyes flutter open. I let out a mighty yawn and felt something soft and warm. I noticed a rabbit fur pelt and I gently fold it and set it next to the sleeping bum called (Y/N).
    I left the camp, so I could gather more firewood to make a fire to cook some of the fish I had gotten by that gross lake. I began to search for the sticks and tried to pick the toughest and hardest. I wanted wood with spunk!

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