chapter 3

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Wendy's p.o.v

after I explain everything to the boys, leaving out my dad, wasn't ready to go down that road yet, they explained that Sam story was almost the exact same. we had all checked into a motel for the night, Dean went to the nearby bar and grill, cas and Angel head angel stuff to do which you left me and Sam to do research.
"so what's it like for you? To be a Hunter I mean." Sam asked looking up from his computer.
"well I guess it's fine, I get to let out as much steam as possible on haunts, but the real injuries and not actually having a social life part kind of sucks. " I explained
"Yeah, like have you ever wanted more?" He asked
"what do you mean?"
"well like just a normal life, family, friends?"
I thought for a minute
"well yeah, what Hunter hasn't, but you and me both know that once you're in this life it's almost impossible to leave." I told him. he seemed to be thinking about what I had said when his computer made it ding noise.
"I think I may have something, there's been two murders and a bunch of cattle mutilations in a town not far from here."he read
"what do you think it is?" I asked
"I'm not sure but it sounds like some kind of ritual. So I guess we have a new case." He said

the next morning, we decided to go and check out what Sam had found, but the weird thing was Angel and cas never came back last night... Sam and Dean left to go question the sheriff while I tried to find out more about the case. about two hours later they both came back.
"so did you guys find anything?" I asked
"No... you" Sam replied
"not a thing. Guys I'm going to go check out the bodies maybe we can find something more about what's going on." I said getting up.
"you're not going alone, not when demons are after you. Take Sammy with you, he's good at all the medical stuff." Dean said. So that's what we did, we made our way to the hospital. as we were investigating the body, well severed heads of the bodies, I noticed something.
"Sam, open the girl's mouth again, I think I saw something. " I said when he did I saw a hole in her upper gums.
"what the hell... " Sam said just as confused as me. I moved her gum a bit and a tooth came out... No wait not a tooth, a fang.
"Wendy do you know what this means." Sam asked
"yeah, we're dealing with vampires." I said looking at him. when we made our way back, Sam open the door to see Dean, Cas and Angel all talking.
"hey guys you'll never guess what we're up against." Dean said.
"vampires yeah we already figured that one out" I said walking in.
"okay, maybe you can guess." He said
"how did you guys find out." Sam asked his older brother , all he did was point to Castiel and Angel.

Angels p.o.v

"so I guess that's where you two have been."Wendy said
"well kinda, we had business upstairs to take care of but our brothers and sisters were talking about the mutilations and beheaded people, so we just came to the conclusion since beheading a vamp is the only way to kill it." I said
"and we also found out that there's a nest here." Castiel added
"okay, so what do we do?"
" I guess we split up again and try to find the nest. "Wendy said.
"same things as before?" Dean asked
"Dean, I would rather you not go alone." Sam said
"Sammy I will be fine, but if it helps you sleep at night I will go with the angels." he told his younger brother.

we had our own ways me, Castiel and Dean took one house and Wendy and Sam the other, we had narrowed it down to two places. when we got to our house, it just looked abandoned, it may have been a nest before but not anymore. we check the place out and I was right, empty.
"Were clear guys I guess we should call the other two" Dean said already calling his brother's phone, but there wasn't an answer so I called Wendy's and got the same result.
"guys I have a bad feeling." I told them. We started to drive back but it's a 20 minute drive. I hope they are okay.

Wendy's p.o.v

so me and Sam definitely had the right place, this place had quite a few vampires.
"so what do we do?" I asked
"call the others." as he was doing that he got knocked out.
"Sam!" I yelled before receiving the same faith...
when I awoke I was tied to a chair with a bandana in my mouth. I saw Sam was beside me slowly waking up. As soon as we were both conscious, a vamp showed up with a smirk on his face.
"so I see we have as a little snack." He said. there must've been at least 5 or 6 vamps in the room and I'm sure we were there dinner.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Sam was trying to cut the rope with a nail that was sticking out of his chair. the vampire that was smirking before walked up to me and leaned down to my face.
"little friends have been calling nonstop since before." He said
"too bad they won't get here in time." He added. his friend handed him a blade that he brought to my neck. I tried to lean back, but I couldn't. He took the knife and cut my arm. I winced at the pain, he took his finger and wipe the blood off the blade before putting it in his mouth. he smirked opening his eyes that were now blood red. he took the bandana away from both me and Sam's mouth, right before making another cut.
"Fuck, why don't you just kill me. " I said
"because, this is way more entertaining, plus lover boy gets to watch you suffer." he said pointing to Sam who was turning red... Was he blushing? Or just mad?
"leave her alone" he said
"Or what?" The Vamps said making a cut across my five that was deeper than the others. I was losing a lot of blood.

Angels p.o.v

"guys something's wrong with Wendy she needs help." I said
"we are only few minutes away." Dean said. We reached the house and snuck in by the back. we had our blades covered in dead man's blood ready to fight. As soon as we got into the main room, five vampires turn to us, they charged at us, and we fought back slicing their heads off. there's only one left that was standing by Wendy. Justin Sam jumped off his chair and punched him it, he flew back and Dean cut off his head. we all rushed over to Wendy, while Sam was already on trying her. I walked over to her and placed two fingers on her forehead healing her cuts.
"there she should be fine in a few hours her body just needs to make more blood." I said. Sam picked Wendy up and we all left the house, heading back to the hotel. when we got back, wendy was placed on her bed.
"thanks and I think I can handle it from here."I told the Giant.
"are you sure, cause I can stay... Only if you want me to." He rambled. I'm not stupid, I'm an angel, I can read his thoughts and I can tell he's worried.
"no Sam it's okay, I promise. You go get some rest you had a long day too." I told him he nodded and went to his own room.

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