chapter 7

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A few days later

(Angels p.o.v)

I couldn't believe what happened just a few days ago, today we were all sitting in our hotel rooms looking for a way to track as I will now that we have the colt.
"hey guys hear something that sounds like one of ours. 'three bodies were found in the woods, says here they were on a camping trip and they got attacked by a wild animal. there's only one Survivor, Emily irwin.'" Sam says reading the article from the computer.
"okay so where we heading to this time?" I asked
"will the bit farther  up north and we are used to." He started
"Sam... where are we going?" Wendy  asked
"Quebec Canada" he finally said, making me and Wendy's eyes widen.
"where exactly in Quebec" I asked
"this small town called hemmingford, its right along the border so everyone start getting ready" he finished before getting up to pack. I walked over to Wendy as she was packing her stuff.
"are you going to be ok on this hunt?" I asked her
"Let's hope so..." she replied

(Wendy's p.o.v)

the ride to Canada wasnt as long as I thought it was going to be. When we got to the Border we took out our passports and handed it to the Man working.
"so where are you three headed" he asked , it was just me and the boys. Angel and Castiel would just poof up once we got crossed.
"just going to visit some family for their birthday" I replied
"oh that's nice, do you have anything to declare?" He asked
"Nope just our clothes" Dean answered.
"okay we'll hope you guys have a good stay." He said giving us back our passports and we drove off.
"okay so first things first hotel" Sam said
"actually that won't be necessary just go to this address." I said handing them a piece of paper. Dean pulled the Impala up to the big house, and we all got out.
"Wendy who lives here?" Dean asked. I took out my keys and put them in the lock before answering "me" as everyone followed me inside, Angel had appeared with Cas and follow the boys to the living room.
"I know it's not much, but it's home." I said putting my bags down and sitting on the couch.
"Wendy what is this place?" cas asked
"this is where I grew up" I explain. "my family used to live here but then..." they started but stopped at the memory.

(Angels p.o.v)

I saw wendy stopped so I could go for her.
"they lived here until Azazel came, then her father fix up the house for himself and her. After I had met Wendy, this house became my home too, but we are never here because we are always on the road." I explained. Cas was about to mention her father, but I stopped him with a mind link.
'don't you dare say a word about him Castiel!'
'why not. The boys have a right to know?' He asked with a confused look, still using the mind link.
'no, it's Wendy's life, she can tell them when she's ready'. He gave me the okay I understand look.
"hey wendy why don't you show the boys to the rooms." I said. she got up and had the boys follow her upstairs. while me and Castiel waited for them to come back, we started watching some TV. I put on some dr. Sexy MD.
"I don't understand why he wears cowboy boots" Castiel said from beside me
"I have no idea why either" I replied

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