chapter 16

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Wendy's p.o.v

"okay so what do we do?" I asked
"well the roadhouse is burnt to the ground, ash is dead, probably Helen and a lot more Hunters" Dean said. I gave him a sad look.
"Demons?" Sam asked
"Ash had found something, but we don't know what, we were on our way to see him" Dean said
"Bobby is working on figuring it out now" angel said
"okay so let's go, Bobby must be only a few hours away." I said. We got into the Impala and drove off. We got there and Bobby open the door.
"hey Bobby." I smiled
"Wendy? it's nice to see you up and walking around" he said
"we will explain everything after, did you find anything" Dean asked.
"I found something, demonic Omens, like a tidal wave of them. All around here" he said taking out a map. "except for here Southern Wyoming, it's clean, it's as if the demons are surrounding it." he explained
"any idea why?" I asked
"no not a clue" he said. Just send there was a knock on the door. Do you want to open it.
"Helen!" he said pulling her into a hug.

we all sat around the table as Bobbie poured her a shot of holy water.
"body is this really necessary" she asked
"it shouldn't hurt if you've got nothing to hide" he told her. She down the shot.
"so what happened how did you get out" Dean asked.
"I wasn't supposed to, I was supposed to be in there with everyone else. She said "so we ran out of pretzels of all things, just dumb luck, anyways that's when Ash cold panic in his voice telling me to look in the safe, then the phone cut out, by the time I got there, the Flames were sky-high, everyone was dead." She said.
"and you said something about a safe, did the demons get what was in it?" Bobby asked
"no." She said pulling out a map
"Wyoming, what does that mean?" I asked.

Angels p.o.v

we were all looking through books and files trying to see what Wyoming had to do with anything.
"I don't believe it" Bobby started "each of the x's on the map is an abandoned Frontier church and all of them built by Samuel Colt." He said
"wait the Samuel called?" I asked
"yeah and there's more, he built private Railways lines connecting them, they just so happen to be laid out like this" he said drawing a devil's trap on it.
"it's a devil's trap , a 100 ft Square miles Devil's trap "Sam said.
"after all these years none of them are broken? They still work?" Dean asked.
"definitely, all those omens Bobby found circling the area, it's cause they can't get in" Sam said.
"well there's nothing there, except an old cowboy Cemetery right in the middle" dean said.
"what's so important about a cemetery?" I asked.
"what if- what if he wasn't trying to keep the demons out..."Wendy started
"what if he was trying to keep something in?" I finished
"there's no way a full blood demon could cross it" Bobby said
"no, but I know who could" Sam replied

Wendy's p.o.v

we have made it to the cemetery, just in time too, I saw Jake pull up in his car. We are all hid behind Stones Waiting. me and Sam were behind the door that Jake was sent to open.
"Hey jake" Sam said walking out and we all follow.
"long time no see."I told him.
"You were dead I killed you both" Jake said.
"there's no way you are alive."  He added.
"Just back away man" dean said
"And what are you going to do?" Jake asked looking at him.
"why not find out I" asked stepping  closer.
"oh what you guys are so tough now, you couldn't kill me before what makes you think you can now?" He smirked
"wont make that mistake twice"
Sam said. everyone pointed their guns at Jake. Only to have him start laughing.
"hey ladies... Put your guns to your head." He said to me, angel and Helen, which we did it was like he was controlling us.
"Ava was right, once you give in to the powers, there's so much more you can do." Jake said
"let them go" Sam said
"just shoot him" Helen said
"sorry sweetheart you would blow your brains out before they had the chance, now everyone lower your weapons, not you sweet cheeks" Jake said looking at us girls. so that's what the boys did. Jake then turned around and put the colt in the door. Just as we were all going to pull our triggers,each guy grabbed a girl pulling the guns away just in time. Sam picked up his gun and shot Jake in the back repeatedly.
"Sam stop, he's dead" I told him.

Angels p.o.v

"how did he get the colt anyways" I asked as door started to unlock.
"I don't know" Dean said. Sam still had a look of a killer on his face it looked like he actually enjoyed killing Jake. Wendy walked up to him and took his gun.
"it's okay Sam, it's done " she said. We all watch the door lock stop in the shape of a devil's trap.
"Oh no" Bobby said.
"Bobby what is it?" Helen asked
"It's hell..."

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