chapter 8

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Wendy's p.o.v

after showing the boys to the spare bedrooms, I made my way downstairs to the living room. I wanted to see if Angel wanted to come with me to the store to get food, but she seemed preoccupied with watching TV with  Castiel. so I decided I was going to go alone. I went to the garage and got my car, since my black Mustang wasn't with me, I had to take my dad's old car.
"well this brings back old memories" I told myself as I pulled away from the house. I pulled up to the grocery store and parked the car before walking in. I grabbed a bunch of stuff I figured we were going to need, coffee, beer, hamburger, lettuce, excetera, oh and I grabbed dean a pie. once I was done, I made my way to the cash. As I was paying I heard someone behind me.
"Wendy is that you? "The person said I turned around to see a girl with short hair.
"oh my God, Caitlin?" I asked with a smile. she nodded and smiled back.
"so what are you doing back here?" She asked. I was going to answer when the cashier got my attention.
"um... mam that'll be $23.50 please" she said.
"oh yes, here you go and sorry." she took the money and I grab my things. I waited for Caitlin to finish what she was doing and we decided to meet at the cafe so we can talk.
"so now are you going to tell me what you doing back in town? Not that I'm not happy to see you." She said
"well actually I'm working" i explained
"Working? " she asked confused. I was going to explain to her that I was now FBI and that's why I was working the case here, bus I'm walking to the cafe. I guess Caitlin notice I was staring at someone so she turned around. 
"oh wow who is that? "She asked. Sam noticed me and started walking over.
"hey Wendy, can I sit with you guys?" He asked. I nodded and he sat in the chair beside me.
"oh Sam this is my friend Caitlin we grew up here together, Caitlin this is Sam he's my umm..."I started in till she cut me off
"well Wendy I knew you had good choice in men, but where did you find this one?" She asked with a smirk.
"oh... No... You see... Sam and I..."I couldn't say anything, my words wouldn't come out.
"we met at work actually, my name's Sam, me and Wendy here are working the case with the animal attacks." He told her.
"really? Since when are you a cop Wendy?"she's looking at me
"actually, FBI" I told her. so me and Sam ask Caitlin a few things about the case and were surprised with what we got.
"it was nice talking to you again wendy, but I've got to go. Oh and by the way Sam, keep an eye on her she's feisty but definitely a keeper" Caitlin said. I was about to protest once and spoke up
"I know, and I will" he said
"Wait what!??" I asked shocked and I'm sure I was red...
"oh come on I thought it was funny" he said getting up
"she's right about two things though" he said which made me give him a weird look. "you definitely are feisty... And a keeper" he said before walking away leaving me with all my thoughts.

Angels p.o.v

After a while, we decided we should start working on the case. Me and Dean were working on Research.
"hey where are..."just send the door open "Wendy, Sam, where were you guys?" I asked. when he held up groceries, before walking to the fridge to put everything away.
"okay so I got some information." She said coming to sit beside me.
"so apparently Emily was going around town telling people what killed her family was human, she said a man turned into an animal before he attacked. So my guess is werewolf." She said
"okay so did we pack silver bullets?" I asked
"yep now we just need to find out who and where the werewolf is" dean said
"okay well we can always go ask around town see if anyone has noticed anything?" I suggested. Sam and Wendy we're going to stay here and keep doing research and make everybody supper, while Dean, Castiel and I go ask questions.

we had been to a few places now but we've got nothing.
"why don't we go ask at the local bar?" Dean asked
"is that all you want to do?" I asked him but he didn't answer me, he just drove us there. we walked in and sat at the bar
"hey what can I get you guys?" The bartender asked.
"three beers please" Dean told him. he came back with our drinks.
"excuse me but would you mind answering a few questions?" I asked him
"sure what would you like to know?"
"we're working on the case with Emily Irwin and wanted to know if you knew anything, or noticed anyone acting strange" I explained
"um I don't really know what's going on other then what the news says, but as far as someone acting strange, this man, no idea who he is only started coming here about 2 weeks ago. He's always drinking during the day and leave before it gets dark, but the weirdest thing, is the other day I heard him growl at someone, that was weird." He explained
"thank you..."
"Tommy" he added
"...tommy for your help" I said. Dean and Tommy talk for a while afterwards and I saw Dean give him a piece of paper.
"what I gave him my number in case he heard anything else." He said walking over to us.

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