chapter 5

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I thought this picture would be good for this chapter :D

Angels p.o.v

me and Castiel head just finish what we needed to do in heaven and made our way back to Sam, Dean and Wendy. they're all sitting around eating.
"hey guys" I said walking up to Wendy and stealing a fry.
"so we may have found a way to kill the yellow-eyed demon. But we need both of your help." Sam said putting down his food.
"okay what do you need us to do?" Cas asked.
"Angel do you remember when we talked about the colt?"Wendy asked
"yes but I thought we had agreed it was just a myth. I had replied
"Me and sam think that it might not be a myth and actually be real, we did some research... "she started only to be cut off by Dean
"yeah that's what you were doing" he smirked, both Sam and when he turned red.
"as I was saying, with the research, we think it might still be around and thought maybe you and Castiel would be able to find it." Wendy finished.
"okay, but how would you even know where to start looking. " I asked
"we can go upstairs and see if anybody up there knows?" Castiel suggested.
"okay so we will be back as soon as we find out what is going on." I said before leaving with Castiel again.

Wendy's p.o.v

"so should I leave you two alone or...?" Dean asked with a smirk on his face.
"oh shut up Dean "I said we need to think of something else in case we can't get the colt" I explained.
"okay, well what if... "Dean was cut off by Angel and Castiel returning.
"wow that was fast" Sam said
"to be honest, it was pretty easy to find the Colt." Angel said
"okay, well where is it? "Dean asked
"well it's less of a wjere and more of a when is it?" Angel said only to get weird looks from me and both the boys.
"the only way to retrieve the colt is to get it from Samuel Colt himself..." Angel added
"but he lived back in 1835" I explained
"exactly" she said
"well are you going to explain what's going on or just stand there?" Dean asked impatiently. 
"right we figured out we are going to have to send you guys back in time to when the Colt was just first being used." Cas said
"okay... So how far back are we talking here? "I asked
"March 5th , 1861 in Sunrise Wyoming." Angel said.
"okay so let's do this!" Dean said getting up.
"small detail in our plan though, you only have 24 hours" Castiel said
"what? Why? "Sam asked
"the further back I send you the harder it is to retrieve you if I don't bring you back by then I won't be able to. "Castiel explained
"then I guess it's time to suit up "Dean said walking out the door.
"where is he going?" I asked
"not a clue "Sam replied

no more than 40 minutes later Dean walked in through the door with bags in his hand.
"here put these on "he said handing me, Sam and Angel a bag.
"no way Dean you might be obsessed with this stuff but I'm not." Sam said
"Sam we have to, we can't show up wearing our normal clothes, we will look like aliens" angel explained. we all went and got change. Deans choice in clothing is actually pretty good, that is until I saw what he was wearing.
"and why are you wearing a blanket?" I asked
"it called a serape." He said proudly
"I will send you back to March 4th it should give you guys enough time to find the colt." Castiel said, before I knew it we were standing in the middle of a small town.

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