chapter 17

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Angels p.o.v

"take cover now!" Bobby said as Dean grabbed the cold from the door of hell. We all ran and hid behind Stones as the door busted open and thousands of black smoke, demons, came rushing out.
"come on we need to shut that gate" Helen said as we all rush to close it. Dean stood back as I turned my head to see him, Azazel was standing behind him.

Wendy's p.o.v

I saw Dean raise the colt at azazel  only for it to be ripped out of his hands and into the demons. Azazel sent Dean flying into a headstone.
"Dean!"both me and Sam yelled. we rushed over to him only to have our bodies flung into a tree.
"get with you guys in a minute, I'm proud of you, I knew you had it in you." Azazel said then he started talking to Dean, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. he got up, and pointed the gun at Dean.
"No!" I yelled. just then a figure showed up and grabbed a azazel making him fall, Dean rushed to grab the gun. As Azazel stood back up dean pulled the trigger and shot him. There was a giant flash of light before he dropped dead. Me and Sam fell from our spots in the tree just in time to see the Gates of Hell closed by Bobby, Helen, and Angel. the man who saved us started getting up and walk over to Dean. He placed his hand on his shoulder and gave him a proud look before looking over at Sam. I felt Sam release a sigh of relief as the man turned back to Dean and turned into light. I was so confused...

Angels p.o.v

we all stared where the man just was before looking at the boys who both had tears in their eyes. We walked over to azazel's now dead body.
"well check that off the to-do list" Dean said with a smile. Dean leaned down
"that was for our mom, you son of a bitch" he said before standing back up. we walk back to the car.
"well the yellow-eyed demon might be dead, but a hell of a lot more got out of them Gates" Helen said.
"how many you think?" I asked
"at least an army" Sam said
"well then I guess we better gear up" wendy said

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