[Vents] Scout X Powers!Reader

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Requested by MaryDeath223!

Did anyone else think of Austin Powers when they say powers or was it just me

You heard footsteps, and froze.

Did they hear you? After all, it was quiet.. too quiet.

Stopping, nobody appeared to be behind you. The swift footfall seemed to disappear altogether, so you kept moving, making like it was your imagination. You were on a mission, after all, distractions could not be afforded.

You made it to the room you were looking for, at last. Holding a silver gun glinting in the dim yellow lights, you scanned the next room.

Beeping electronics, thank god not a sentry, sounded from the small room. Said room was dim, with a small pane of windows on the left overlooking a room full of computers and a map of the world. A single light shone over the desk where your prize lay.

The coast seemed to be all clear, so you silently made your way, hips swaying with confidence, into the intelligence room of the RED's. You were the new class on the BLU team, going by the class name of Fade, and had the ability to turn invisible whenever you wanted, for how long you wanted. It was almost like Spy and his cloak, but unlike him, and his 'novelty toys' as you called them, you actually possessed a supernatural ability.

You had been assigned a mission to prove your worth to the BLU's, and you were more than ready to complete this mission and earn your place.

You hesitated as you neared the intelligence. Those footsteps from earlier, were you imagining them? It's odd for the RED's to leave their intelligence alone, so you decided to quickly grab the red briefcase and go.

Snatching it up, you turned on your heels and stared running towards the vents- a way easier exit compared to just running out the frontal exits.

"The intelligence has been stolen!" The announcers harsh voice scolded the RED's for being so easily defeated. Your breath quickened along with your heart rate as you heard those words. The briefcase was slung snugly over your back as you knocked hard against the vent cover, damaging the old metal enough to slip through into the vents. Quickly, you slid onto all fours, crawling as lightly as you could across the thin metal flooring. It bumped and banged as your knees and hands hit it though, and it took a painfully long time before you reached a point where you could stand.

The walls seemed to close in on either side as sweat formed on your brow. Wiping it, you dried your sweaty palms to scale the upwards part of the venting. It was dark, almost pitch black, but you could see a small spot of light poking from above you. You put your hands on either side of you and used your cleats to push up from the metal, denting it while you climbed.

"The enemy has taken our intelligence!" The announcers voice announced for the BLU team. You cursed under your breath as you grunted with the effort of scaling an upwards climb. Eventually you made it to the top, where the vent poked out of the roof. Clear skies and clean, crisp air was much better than being cramped in the dark, stuffy vents. You'd soon get the intel to your base, though. Teufort was a generally small map, so it wouldn't be very-

"Oof!" Someone rammed into you hard, knocking you backwards into the vent. You fell and tumbled, spiraling and hitting every part of your body against the metal as you fell down the vents' incline with the person in question on top of you. Once the two of you landed against the cold, hard bottom, a giant slam was heard and your head and back hurt like hell. You simply groaned as the guilty person crawled over and past you, going towards the RED intel room.

Eyes slitting open, you snuck a glance at whoever it was. You were surprised to see a retreating person with the BLU intel.

Wait... BLU intel?!

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