[Unexpected Date] Medic X Reader

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A/N- this actually happened to me once.


Also I apologize in advance for cheesiness

Oops again

You were getting pitiful glances from the people all around you. Your date had ditched you, you knew, but you didn't want to leave alone. Tapping your fingers against the table, you felt the burning stares of everyone in the restaurant on your slumped figure. Looking down, you studied the table carefully. In your lap rested a card you had made for your date, too, and you turned it over many times before you set it on the table, sighing. Now everyone could see the 'I <3 you!' card that sat sadly on your table. Someone standing at your table suddenly cleared their throat, and you hadn't even realized someone had walked up. With a skip in your heart you flung your head up, only to be disappointed by a waiter.

"Would you like to order, or is your party not fully assembled, madam?"

Wasn't it obvious? Or was the waiter becoming impatient with how long you'd been sitting here? After all, this joint would close soon, and people need to be seated still. Looking down, you sighed.

"I'd like to wait a little longer, if that's okay.." You could feel hope slowly slipping from you. He wasn't going to show up. It had been too long.. But you still had the slightest sliver left. He could've gotten the time wrong, or perhaps is stuck in traffic? Or, of all things, something bad happened to him. Heck, what if he was mugged?! Sadly, you didn't have your phone on you, since you expected your date to have his on him. Doubt crept in like fog into your mind, and you were on the verge of tears.

The waiter grunted and walked away, irritated. The chatter of people around you, happy with their company, resounded pangs of sadness in you. Yet, even with their happiness with their counterparts, you felt all eyes boring into you like lasers. You let a single tear slip.

"Ding!" The bell at the door chimed. You didn't want to even bother to look up, but you did anyways.

Oddly, a man walked through the doorway, a complete stranger, clad in brown pants and a cream vest with a red tie to complete the look, and sat down across from you saying rather loudly, "Sorry, my dove, zhe traffic vas terrible, I'm telling you," and then leaned over the table, whispering, "sorry about your no-show date. Zhe guy must have been a real schweinhund."

(Insert joke about how that was the longest sentence ever and now everyone in the comments is going to poke fun at the author because they thought she was dead and now she brings this shit to the table after such a long disappearance, I MEAN JFC AUTHOR GET A GRIP ON YOUR LIFE YOU LAZY--)

It all happened so fast, you didn't really have time to respond. He had walked in with confidence, and smoothly made his way to your table, not skipping a beat walking. A complete stranger- never had you seen him before in your life- felt the need to save you in your time of need. He was some kind of God-send.

Swiveling your head around, you scanned the restaurant, before looking back to him. The restaurant had ceased any pitiful looks, happy with the charade going on at the moment. You didn't know how to feel. Relieved that this man had saved you from a potentially awkward and embarrassing walk of shame out of this establishment, or feel angry at his attempt to save you? Perhaps even creeped out that he's your 'date'? What's more, what if your real date did show up, just very late? At this point, he was about 2 hours late, so you didn't think he would, but it was a possibility.. A small one, but still a possibility, at that.

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