Mother & Son

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Anyone have any thoughts about a story that has Fenrir and Jormungand fighting for the affections of someone...?

"7 years" by Lukas Graham

Sigyn rushed down the hall and into Loki's chambers without even breaking stride. She didn't care if Balder was still behind her or not. Once inside she nearly shoved over an elderly caretaker and went in a mad sprint for the nursery. As she entered, she noticed young Hela was seated in her carrier. The girl cooed and gave a pretty smile upon Sigyn's entry. "I will be back later, sweet pea," she promised. Next, Sigyn rushed to Fenrir's crib. The pup was not inside. He instead was seated on the hard ground as he gnawed on what appeared to be a thigh bone of a small animal.

"I told your father not to allow you that," Sigyn muttered crossly to herself. Was it that difficult for Loki to provide a baby with baby toys? If he kept this up, Fenrir would surely assume he truly was a wolf and not actually a little boy. By the time Sigyn sat upon her knees, Fenrir released a small growl towards her direction. His lovely brown eyes held what appeared to be anger, and maybe even sadness.

"Miss! You are not supposed to be in these chambers-"
"I am the closest thing these babies have to a mother," Sigyn snapped angrily at the old caretaker with the leathery face. "Fenrir is going to help find his missing brother."
The elderly woman looked awkward. "You are still not allowed in these chambers!"
"If you hold such a problem with it, jump off a bloody tower!" Sigyn snapped as she moved to hold Fenrir in her arms. The little boy, who had originally been a tiny pup, had grown in the past few months. He not only possessed quite literal puppy fat but was taller as well. Fenrir growled some more, showing his annoyance.

Sigyn did not have time for nonsense; not when Jormungand was missing. The pup squirmed and growled, seemingly greatly annoyed by Sigyn's movements as she held him close.

The maiden pressed soft kisses all along the pup's fuzzy head, calming him instantly. Soon enough, he wagged his tail in appreciation. "Do you hold any fraction of an idea how much I have missed you and your siblings?" she cooed before pressing more soft kisses atop his head.
Fenrir immediately started to lick Sigyn's neck, very pleased by the attention he was receiving. He even continued wagging his tail in appreciation. She next moved to grab Jormungand's baby blanket that held his scent from the times he had been held in it. Hela started to whimper, but as soon as Sigyn approached, she stopped the silly antic. "No, Hela. I promise I will be back, even if it is not 'til morning," she said, placing a quick kiss upon the baby girl's head.

"Do not make promises you cannot keep."

Sigyn's heart felt like it could swell right out of her chest upon hearing Loki's voice. She spun around with Fenrir still in her arms to address his entry. Loki looked worn out. His face was too pale, his eyes held dark circles, and his hair was just a little too tussled. Fenrir gave a happy bark at his father's entry, his tail wagging excitedly.

Judging by Loki's pitiful expression, he had not. "What's the matter, Sigyn...? Shouldn't you be out celebrating that your engagement ball is tomorrow..."

Uncaring for his attitude or that Balder was merely standing in the next room, Sigyn set Fenrir down upon the floor and hurried over to Loki to embrace him in a hug. Her arms wrapped around his torso to squeeze him against her. "Do not push me away; there is no other soul besides you who loves that boy more than I," she whispered, her voice breaking at the end.
This softened Loki as he trembled against her. Soon enough, he scooped her close to hold. "I am sorry for my words..."
"Do not apologize for missing your boy," Sigyn murmured, standing on her tiptoes to place a quick kiss against his cheek. "Come along."

Loki looked perplexed as Sigyn hurried to re-grab Fenrir away from his thigh bone he once again found. She held Jormungand's blanket under his nose. The chubby pup started to sniff the blanket immediately. As soon as the maiden set him down, Fenrir took off in a hurried speed towards the doors exiting Loki's chambers. After a good half hour of searching the entire east and west wing of the palace, Sigyn was certain Fenrir was onto something. Loki, however, was not. His dark brows furrowed as he watched his wolfish son scour the hallway.

 "Tis my fault," he admitted hoarsely, his eyes misting. "This is Mother Gaia's own way of retribution. Her revenge for my neglecting the children at birth...Shapeshifting sons, now one gone forever..."
A rough slap on the shoulder from Sigyn pulled him from his trance. "By the gods, you are only becoming more dramatic the older you become," she snapped impatiently as she hurried after Fenrir.
"There was blood found in his tank!" Loki whispered furiously as he chased after her and Fenrir. "Fresh blood! He was probably eaten as he slept!"

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