Chapter 8

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Dark flowers. That's what I kinda wanna see. Black roses. Maybe red lillys. I just want to see a dark flower. I never have before unless it was supposed to be. Maybe.. I might one day.

As I ran through the woods my heart was truly pounding. Everything is happening way to fast! My legs were even going faster than I ever thought they could. My breaths pierces the cold air. I tripped on a stick that sent me falling onto a rock. A huge rock. It hit my gut having me cough up blood. But it felt like I was coughing out my organs, bunches of blood had spit out and spilled all over the rock and snow.

I slowly slid down the side of the rock. My frail body fell into the snow and my back was pierced with sticks and stones. My face was cold but no tears fell. I stood there with my face cold and cheeks rosy red. My mouth hung open while I caught snow with my mouth and it melted on my tongue.

I hummed the song my mother had sang to my sister. Then I remembered my sister and the face she gave me when she saw me attack those girls. She was frightened. Of me. Her own sister. I feel like I'm gonna throw away everything I have just to be with my sister. She's my life. Then the memory of the first time I ment Slendy hit me. I remember when we met when he came to kill us and the time we met when I was shopping for Mira. How he smiled at me. And now I'm afraid of the guy I met at the store.

I saw my breathing in the air, swirling around and disappearing. A deep growl poured into my ears. It was deep and like a dogs. But it wasn't. The growl was more of a howl like growl and it pained my ears.

Slowly turning I came face to face with a wolf. Its ears pulled back while it snarled and spit slober. It's beautiful fur coat was sticking up like a cats tail in alarm. It stared at me with its deep yellow eyes that seemed to glow in the dusk light.

My breathing felt as if it stopped. I made no hesitation to move. My hands trembled not only from the rocks and snow, but from fear and I could barley breath. I'm so scared. So scared I could only barley speak. The words I spoke shook me more than my fear.

"Slender man." I murmured. "Save me."

That moment I felt a presence behind me and only one person, or thing, could be behind me. Slendy. Of course. If I say his name he's faster than a race car.

I didn't even look behind me but the dogs eyes grew to look like cupcakes and it's fangs look as if they disappeared behind how scared it's expression is. It whispered in a way s puppy would and flipped around then sprinted off like a hummingbird.

I gritted my teeth as a thick sent of blood blossomed in the air around me. And it came from behind. I didn't even move from my one spot. I just bent down and placed my hands over my head as if trying to hide like a dodo bird.

The crackling of breaking branches and twigs broke through my ears. Someone else was coming. In a matter of seconds the smell was gone and voices ran in my ears. They were women voices. Sounded as if in about their early 20s.

Creeping around a bush I searched for where they where coming from. I didn't even realize there was a path right on the other side of this bush. I saw some ladies slowly walking down. Two of them. They both held a knifes in one hand and cringed to each other with the other hand. There scared faces told me they where up to no good and o need to somehow stop them. But what is it that they're doing?

I was about to yell out before they stopped speaking and didn't move. Their faces turned pure white and the sent of fresh blood ran over my nose again. Great. He's back. Was my first thought.

The women begain to scream and run away. I peared out of the bush and saw one of the women fall and the other pulled and tried to help her up. But it was usless. And Slendys' long legs begain to walk forward, his long arms begin to slowly rise and with a single slash the girl, who was standing, fell to the ground... bleeding in pain.  

Her side was just slashed and blood was spilling out like a river. I gasped. The other woman tried to scream both nothing but a sqeak spoke. 

I quickly took action and ran in front of her, spreading out my arms and legs while my hair just barley followed. I'm still not used to it being so short. "Stop!" I screamed just as he was about to take a swing. But he obediently obeyed and stopped. 

Slowly he strained his posture. He would his ripped threw both of us if it wasn't me. With out a second thought he turned around and began to leave. I new I can't see his face when he is 'Slender man' form. But the aura he gave of showed he wanted to stay. But after I just saw him do that... he doesn't want to so much. But he gave off another aura. One he has never gave before. One that almost scared me. And I would have ran after him if I didn't sense this aura. It was like... 


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