Beauty and the Beat (25)

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Today, I was in a really good mood.

It had been three weeks since Ethan and I had made up, and everything was absolutely perfect.

Ethan had moved out of his parents’ house and into an apartment, and I spent every second I could over there. I would tell my parents I was at Bennett's, since he was the only one who could give me a proper alibi, and they would believe me. They'd never think I was actually at my twenty-three-year-old English teacher's apartment.

Not that they would have minded, if he wasn't my English teacher. My parents loved Ethan like he was their third son—sometimes I thought they wished he was their third son—so they wouldn't have cared if I was at his apartment, especially since we were childhood friends. But now that he was my teacher, everything was different.

I didn’t know how I’d ever be able to tell our families that we were together, even years after I had graduated. I was sure they’d always think it was strange because he had been my teacher.

I had a party I was going to that night, and it was the first high school party I had been to in almost a year. I was a little excited to go, but then a little nervous at the same time.

Ethan had urged me to go, since I spent all my free time with him. He said that I wasn't having normal teenage experiences, but I then pointed out to him that I wasn't a normal teenager. I was dating my teacher.

The only reason I agreed to going was because he had a business meeting, so I didn't have anything else to do. It was actually kind of weird to go hang out with teenagers.

But now, I had to get through another day of school, but I didn’t mind very much, especially since my two favorite classes were both at the end of the day.

As I sat in the auditorium, Bennett and Freya on either side of me while Maxxon sat on the other side of Bennett, I noticed how excited Mrs. Carson seemed and I couldn’t wait for class to officially start so I could know what it was about.

“Today, I'm announcing our next big upcoming project,” Mrs. Carson smiled once the bell rang, and I couldn't help but grow excited. We'd been doing boring little dancing in the weeks after the December dance show. “We're going to start rehearsing for the May dance show next week!”

This was great! This was what I had been waiting for. 

“Like last time, there will be three main couples that will be dancing,” she told us now, and I was already sure that I would be in one of those couples. Not to sound cocky, but this dance class still wasn’t very good.

“I wonder who she picked this time,” Freya whispered, and I shrugged.

We didn’t have to wait very long to find out.

“The first couple will be Bennett and Freya,” our teacher announced, and Freya looked so excited over the fact that she had gotten picked to do a duet again. Bennett looked a little less than thrilled because I knew it was stressful for him.

Mrs. Carson announced the second couple, but I didn’t hear their names because I didn’t care very much, since I didn’t really know who they were. I was just waiting for her to call my name. I was sure I wouldn’t be partnered with Maxxon this time, after what he had done to himself before the December dance show.

“And the last couple,” Mrs. Carson continued now, “will be Maxxon and Sadie.”

I nearly fell out of my seat. Was she joking? She really picked him again after how irresponsible he had been before the last show? This was ridiculous!

I was going to have to dance with Maxxon again? Of course, I didn’t end up dancing with him in the December dance show, but I still had to practice with him for months! And now I had to do it all over again!

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