The Trial

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                                                                             Chapter #15: The Trial

                                                                                                Chapter #15

The first and only thing that I saw for a while was, well, nothing.  It was completely dark in the room.  Then suddenly a spotlight(or maybe just a leak in the roof) shone down on me, almost blinding me in my shock.

“Princess Adriana.  What brings you here, how do you dare to enter this country?”  A larger-than-life voice asked me, booming and resounding the room.  I assumed that this was the fairy’s queen.

“I do not know,” I answered truthfully.  “I was about to get killed by creepy men when one of your own men came and rescued me from the terrible maniacs.  Thank you for allowing one of your kind men to rescue me in my time of need.” 

I could see the Queen cringe when she heard me say this.  I wondered why, but I dove into the story of what had occurred in my life, not heeding or caring about what she thought

“One of your men saved me before I could come to harm in their terrible hands.”  

Then, another spotlight flashed onto the man that had rescued me.  He looked shocked to see me, even though he was the one that led me here.

“Derrick,” the Queen stated.  “Thank you for joining us on your own good time.  Now why did you dare oppose the direct laws of our land?!?”  She screeched at him hysterically. She probably was not the best ruler if this was how she reacted when someone disobeyed.  If someone stole a loaf of bread, she would probably end up executing them instead of just a year or two of jail or hard work.  

Once she was finally done screaming at Derrick, which I tuned out during, there was a rustle of skirts and the sound of a door opening and then slamming shut.  Then the lights turned back on, and another lady escorted us out of the room.

No one would explain what was happening, and the Mystery-Man, now known as Derrick, left swiftly.  Daffodil retrieved me from the room outside of the Grand Hall, and she led me outside.  

When we were outside, I asked Daffodil why I had not been able to see the queen.  She looked at me as though I was stupid.

“She has not let anyone see her ever since Mai rebelled.  She could see you so she could judge your character, but you were unable to see her.  Only a small few are allowed to see her, and they are the ones that have devoted their lives to serve Her Majesty to her every whim.”  She stated, as though the answer were obvious and this was done everywhere in the world.  

We continued, walking in silence, unsure of whether to speak or not.  I decided to take the easy and less awkward path, and remained silent rather than question once more what was accepted in this strange and unknown country.  Finally, after several minutes of silence, we reached a large flower-shaped building.  She unlocked the door, and I silently stepped inside.  The moment that the door was closed, someone knocked on it.  Well, as Daffodil looked through the peephole, and saw mobs gathered on her yard, as my name echoed through the humid air.

“Well, Adriana, it seems as though your presence here has been acknowledged.  Here’s your welcoming party!  Too bad my people are not too friendly to newcomers.” Daffodil stated, obviously concerned at the multitude gathered on her doorstep. 

Daffodil then continued to close the shades, while instructing me on what to do.  She added a bar to the lock on the door, as the crowd was now pressing against the door, yelling at her to give me to them.“Go upstairs.  There is a large empty trap door.  I will show you as soon as I finish securing the house.”  She stated calmly.  I could sense her anxiety, so I quickly followed her directions without my usual complaints at her unkindness.

I ran upstairs, finally finding the trap door after several minutes of my heart pounding in my ears.  I followed the trap door’s passage, crawling on my hands and knees.  However, after following the passage, I came to a brick wall.  

Daffodil caught up with me, and banged on the wall three times, ignoring my protests and questions.  After I truly believed that she had gone crazy, she looked back at me angrily, and then proceeded to bang on the wall once more.  

“This house, happy as it seems, once belonged to our peoples’ greatest enemy.  He had this house equipped with hundreds of trap doors and secret hatches.  Isn’t it cool?  Well, bye!”  She looked back at me, and as the door opened, urged me in.  

“Get in!  What are you waiting for, an invitation?”  I crawled into the hatch obediently, like a naughty dog that had not obeyed his master.  

“Good bye,” she told me, handing me a candle without so much as a hug or anything.  She just gave me instructions on how to find my way back home. “Follow the path down, and eventually it will lead you back to your land, where a friend of mine will be waiting.” She instructed me slowly, as if it would take me a while to fully comprehend her words.  


okay, this was  a short-ish chapter, but  I just wanted to thank you guys SO INCREDIBLY MUCH for........... 4000 reads!  Now can we try to get up to twenty votes!  That would make me uber happy!  Thank you SO MUCH for reading!  I love ya'all.  Woo Hoo!                       Thank you all for reading!  I love this story, so please help me further my writing by helping me with everything.        

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