The Kiss

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                                                                                    Chapter #19

 Chapter #19

Jean walked towards me lazily; when he reached me, he slung his arm around my shoulder.  He seemed relaxed, but I knew that he was about to begin testing me.

“Now, princess.  Why were those creepy men wearing masks and long white robes following you all around?  Do they envy your beauty?  Were they the ones that kidnapped you when you disappeared?  I feel so sorry that you have been put through all of this.  You are such a delicate little flower.  When we get back to your parents, we will tell them the whole story.  Your parents are worried sick about you.” he asked, almost mocking me.

His question disgusted me.  He was obviously testing me to make sure that I was not aware of his sick little plot.  Of course I was not going to give myself away, and I decided to play it up a little.  Or maybe a lot.  This is going to be fun.  

“Well, Jean, I am not aware of what you are talking about!  Besides when I was kidnapped by them, no one was following me!  You must have had a nightmare about them or something.”

When Jean heard my response, he smiled.  I could only guess what cruel or evil things were running through his mind.

The closest thing that I could guess went something like this.  

“Stupid Andriana!  How could she still think that nothing is wrong in her silly little life?  I don’t know why I ever thought that it would be wise to kidnap her instead of just outright hurting the girl’s parents?  It had to have been pure luck that she was able to last this long without giving in to my dumb men.  Ha!  That girl has nothing but air in that pretty little head of hers.”

While in my head, I was thinking something similar, yet it was also completely opposite, but of course still wondering if Jean thought that my head was pretty.  Do I have an ugly head?  Ugh!  He makes me so immature!  How could his presence make me insecure by itself?

“Ha!  How stupid could Jean possibly think that I am?  Girls aren’t that stupid.”  Was what I thought, but I still knew I was no match for him.  

So now that he thought that I was oblivious to his evil plots, he did not have to do as much “hard work” to convince me that he was innocent and blameless.  

Jean continued to slide closer and closer towards me.  I couldn’t help but feel intoxicated by his enchanting smell.  It smelled like pine and manliness.  If manliness is a smell, I guess.  I could feel my heart beating in my chest.  I knew what he was going to try to do next, yet I was unsure whether or not I wanted it to stop.  This was what I had been longing for since I had met him.

I reached down, pretending to straighten my boot.  Instead, I reached down and groped around in my boot until I found my knife.  I grasped the knife tightly, and straightened my body, hiding the weapon in one of the many folds of my now dirty gown.  

Jean was now straight in front of me.  He caressed my hair, speaking soft words into my ear.  If it had been anyone else, I would be entranced.  Never mind, I was enchanted, even though I knew how evil this terrible villain truly was in the depths of his lying heart.

“Why did you run away?  I missed you dearly.  Your parents sent me out to find you.”  

I drew back from him, wondering how he could really be evil when he was so enchanting.  How is it that the cutest boys always seem to be evil?

“Come back with me, Andriana.  Your parents miss you so much.  They would do anything for you.  I will do anything for you as well.”  Jean told me, still stroking my cheek gently.  

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