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8:30 pm

bbygirl : hi daddy :^)

sorry this person isn't receiving messages from you at the moment. please try again later.

What? "He blocked me? Why? " She asked to herself, frowning.

Chaeyeon exited messenger and went to sms and contacted him.

chaeyeon : jungkook

sent, 8:32 pm

But still, no reply.

chaeyeon : yah, are you asleep?

sent, 8:34 pm

chaeyeon : sigh, well goodnight then jungkook.

sent, 8:35 pm

chaeyeon : idk why are you ignoring me pls stop this :( you're my friend who cheers me up even though you're a pervert sometimes and a creep.

sent, 8:37 pm

chaeyeon : j

sent, 8:38 pm

chaeyeon : u

sent, 8:39 pm

chaeyeon : n

sent, 8:40 pm

chaeyeon : g

sent, 8:41 pm

chaeyeon : k

sent, 8:42 pm

chaeyeon : o

sent, 8:43 pm

chaeyeon : o

sent, 8:44 pm

chaeyeon : k

sent, 8:45 pm

chaeyeon : notice me ugly poUts

sent, 8:46 pm


Jungkook groaned, as his phone continues to vibrate continuously. Chaeyeon had flood him messages and it seriously annoying him a lot.

He had blocked her on Facebook yet she's still flooding him messages through sms. "Aish, this girl seriously. " he mumbles to himself, laying on the bed.

Jungkook sighed as it continuously still vibrate.

He couldn't help but opened all of her messages.

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