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4:05 pm

jungkook : hey chae chae :)

sent, 4:05 pm

jungkook : how's you? i saw you with jimin hyung few hours ago, you were smiling like a maniac. are you two dating?

sent, 4:07 pm

jungkook : well i hope you're happy with him :) jimin hyung will do everything just to make you happy. isn't he too boyfie material?

sent, 4:09 pm

jungkook : jimin hyung just told me now that you two aren't dating, but if you two did- I'll be very happy. :)

sent, 4:15 pm

jungkook : how are you?

sent, 4:16 pm

jungkook : have you eaten already?

sent, 4:17 pm

jungkook : i miss you :(

sent, 4:19 pm

Jungkook put his phone on the table and frowned as he continued to eat his ramen, "I wonder where she is now, is she eating? Is she alright? " he asks his self.

"Hey son, what are you thinking off? You seem deep on thoughts, mind to tell me? " suddenly, his mother sat beside him making him jumped out in surprise but sat back again.

He frowned, shall he tell her? "Kiddo, trust me I'm your mother maybe I could help you out? " His mom asks, making Jungkook look up on the ceiling.

"I.. I have a friend named Chaeyeon and she's upset with me because I become rude to her. " As he says it, his frown gets deeper.

His mother's eyes widened, mouth slightly opened shook. "I see, what did you do? " She asks.

"Well.. Send her these messages. " he explained, scrolling back to where their conversation of them arguing started.

His mom's eyes scanned the messages, and she suddenly starts hitting him hard as Jungkook whines.

"Ah! Mom that seriously hurts, are you trying to kill me? " his mom glared at him as she continues to hit him like there's no tomorrow.

"You shouldn't say those things! What if she committed suicide? She'll blame you! What's up with you Jeon Jungkook? I didn't raised you to disrespect girls! " his mom starts ranting with her arms crossed, eyebrows knitted together.

He remained silent for minutes of his mother ranting about how him disrespecting girls.

"What if she's a noona to you? I'm your mother Jungkook and you respect me yet you don't have respect for others? Even if they're your dongsaengs, give them respect! "

He continues to frown, " But mom! I'm an oppa to her. " Jungkook fought back, putting his hands on his hair in frustration.

His mom rolled her eyes, "I don't care if she's a dongsaeng or a noona to her, I want you to give her respect just like you respect me. Go apologize to her, understood? " she still had her arms crossed as she stood in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook feels a little embarrassed even though the only person around was his mom- its like mother scolding her kid because he stole a penny from her pouch.

"I will mom." He mumbles as his mom smiled, "Good. " she says as she walks back to the living room leaving him alone at his room- where he is still eating his ramen.


9:37 pm

jungkook : yah!!!!!!

sent, 9:38 pm

jungkook : WEHRE ARW YAU

sent, 9:39 pm


sent, 9:40 pm

jungkook : i miss you

sent, 9:41 pm

jungkook : stop ignoring me chae ah :(

sent, 9:42 pm

jungkook : look im sorry if i ever hurt you by my harsh words yesterday :(

sent, 9:43 pm

jungkook : and i mean it, I'm really sorry

sent, 9:44 pm

jungkook : goodnight chae :) sweet dreams

sent, 9:45 pm

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