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JUNGKOOK'S EX smirked at him, making him uncomfortable and looked away. Kyeongri sat next to him making him froze, he pretends that he doesn't know her or pretend she doesn't exists because she's practically dead to him.

After she dumped him? She had the urge to go back here? Whore.

"Can we talk Jungkook? Just the two of us? " she finally spoke up making his blood rush up and boils.

Jungkook shook his head, "No thanks, I'm not interested at your bullshit." he says, standing up from the sofa.

"I'm going. " Jungkook opened the door and before he leave, he put up his middle finger up to Kyeongri who stares at him surprised at his actions.

Maybe she thought that Jungkook is still innocent and a fool, so she came back.

But then he become savage and isn't innocent anymore, in a short time people can change after a heartbreak.

Did she thought he's still that baby and innocent? Hah, that bitch thought.

Many people dies in wrong thoughts, maybe she'll die soon.

"Fucking die Kyeongri why did you even come back when I fucking moved on already? "


3:15 am

jungkook : hi chae-ah! im sorry i didn't go to the lake, i was walking to the lake but jin hyung called me screaming so i thought it was important im really sorry TT

sent, 3:16 am

chaeyeon : ok

sent, 3:17 am

jungkook : just ok?

sent, 3:18 am

chaeyeon : yep.

sent, 3:19 am


sent, 3:20 am

chaeyeon : bCause im dWunK, VANT YOU SEE

sent, 3:21 am


sent, 3:22 am

chaeyeon : im at the lake, drinking please come here im alone and scared.

sent, 3:23 am

jungkook : the hell u doin there alone?! why are you- nvm ill go there.

sent, 3:24 am

Even Jungkook is scared of dark, he got up from his bed and grabbed his shoes- it was too dark, he just grabbed whatever is there and wore it all before opening his window and went out.

His mom would probably kill him if he sneak out but he doesn't care, all he cares now is Chaeyeon who's drunk in the lake at three in the morning.

He jumped down the roof and starts walking to the lake. The lake was like five minutes away so- he hopes Chaeyeon is still there, alive and not eaten by a crocodile or something because its night and shitty creatures come out and haunt people.

As he reached the lake, he saw a warning post that he knew Chaeyeon put so no one would dare to enter her peace place.

When he entered, he saw a girl resting her head on her knees mumbling random kdrama osts, making Jungkook chuckle.

"Chaeyeon-ah? " Jungkook calls out, the girl slowly turned her head to him making him feel goosebumps as if she's a ghost smirking at him.

He stared at her eyes, she looks like she's been crying for hours but why?

"Jungkook. " She finally spoke up, her voice sounds feminine and calm as she cracks up a weak smile staring at the guy who's in front of her.

Chaeyeon pats a space beside her meaning he should sit beside her, he sat beside the girl and sighed awkwardly and chuckled.

"Care to tell me why you're drinking in the middle of the night and you're in this fucking lake, seriously? are you out of your mind? " Jungkook starts attacking her questions, it wasn't awkward anymore.

The girl who sits beside him just looked down, awkwardly as Kookie rolled his eyes lifting her chin up, making her look up into his eyes.

He could see that her cheeks turned red, "Yah pabo. Stop ignoring me, this is the first time we'll be talking and meeting each other, gosh stop being awkward okay? " He just couldn't take it.

From what his Jimin hyung said before, she's a bubbly and cheerful girl but why is she awkward around him? He thought.

Maybe because he's a guy right? Like, everyone gets awkward when you meet guys in real and gets shy- especially when he's good looking, just like Jungkook.

Did he just said that he's good looking- "I'M NOT AWKWARD MR. JEON DADDY, I JUST FEEL SLEEPY AND I WANNA SLEEP." she complained, before he could speak up Chaeyeon has passed out resting her head on his shoulder making his heartbeat speeds up rapidly.

He never felt this on anyone- maybe he felt this back on Kyeongri but this is different from his past relationship. This is too much more than his past.

He was about to stand up when Chaeyeon's soft hand grabbed his arm back making him sit up and winced at the pain on his butt.

"Ouch, Chaeyeon I thought you're sleeping so I could bring you home but I guess you want to stay here but its cold. " He says, chuckling as he scans the place as he saw a blanket which he assume Chaeyeon owns it and wrapped it around her cold body.

He smiled as he laid her head on his lap and looked down at the sleeping girl on his lap who's snoring peacefully making him laugh a bit.

Jungkook brushed her hair away from her face so he can clearly see her beautiful face while sleeping.

"She looks so cute while sleeping, my heart can't handle this. " he secretly giggled like a fangirl as he stares at her.

He stared at her eyes, nose, then to her attractive lips.

He tried so hard not to stare but he couldn't help it.

"Shall I kiss her? " he literally asked that question to himself but shook his thoughts immediately.

She'll wake up if he kissed her, he shrugged and looked over at her phone to see its 4 in the morning.

Jungkook didn't give a fuck and stayed with Chaeyeon sleeping on the side of the lake.


eh, a shitty chapter indeed. i have a new story called letters to rosé, check it out!

wrong sent » j.jkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora