♥A Fairy Tail's Love ♥(A collection of fairy tail one-shots)

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Hello~ Yup ive made another fanfic~ :D I like writing......and this one I think will be easier for me to update because its a collection of fairy tail couples one shots~! Yaaay~! ^o^ Okay my lovely readers....start reading!


NaLu: A Single Wish

I looked at the sky, my blonde hair flowing in the breeze.
The night looked beautiful as the moon shone on the city below and the sky glistened with little stars.
I stared at it through my window with awe.
"I wish Natsu could see this." I sighed.

"Wish I could see what?" A familiar voice said from behind me.
"N-Natsu!? How did you get in here?"
"From the other window." He said and pointed at the window in the lounge.
"Do you ever give me privacy?" I questioned, knowing the answer already.
He merely shrugged.
"Look Natzu! Fish~!" Happy exclaimed excitedly, with an arm full of fish.
"Oh right, I could do with a bite to eat!" Natsu grinned as he walked over to my kitchen possibly to raid my fridge.

"Natsu! I only just bought some groceries yesterday after you and Happy ate all my food!" I said grumpily.
"Haha, well now the fridge is full again so it doesn't matter!" Natsu laughed.
"Yes it does! Because you two will just do it all over again! I'm not made of money you know!"
"Okay then I'll buy you some food the next time I come over."
"But then you'll just eat all of that as well so it'd be no point!"
"Then what do you suppose I do?" Natsu said with food in his mouth.
"Stop eating all my food!"
"Then I'll just eat you up instead."
"Eh?" I said dumb foundedly.
Natsu walked over to her and gently pulled my face towards his, making our lips touch.
A blush filled my cheeks and my eyes widdened.
"He llllllllikes you~!" Happy exclaimed.
Natsu grinned his toothy grin and i blushed furosiously.

♥A Fairy Tail's Love ♥(A collection of fairy tail one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now