♥~*Constant Dreams*~♥ (JeRza) Part 1~

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SOOOOOOOOOOO I'm pretty gutted today ;-; I finaly got to walk with my crush to the train station once again in ages......but at the train station there was this guy Aaron (my worst enemy at the moment)......well I couldn't be seen dead with my crush there! >.< Waaaaaaa! I was waitng for this in sooooo long! Then he has to screw it uuuup!!! =^= I hope he doesn't catch the train everyday like Za- *cough* ahem..I mean...my crush does.

Well enough with my sulking, I bet you wanna read some more romance! Weeeelll go ahead!
(I wrote this a few weeks ago now -.-')

Erza P.O.V

I was so breathless at that very moment. When we rolled down that hill and Jellal fell ontop of me. My eyes widdened at that very moment. Moments later our lips nearly touched, I didn't quite adjust to what was happening until he pulled me away as our lips almost intertwined. I was disappointed but understood completely when he lied.

My eyes flickered opened when I realized I had the same dream in a row for a whole month.

I sighed. I probably never was gonna get this scene out of my head.

I wish we could just be together. I wish we could of shared that kiss.

But I do understand why he did it. He can't forgive his sins and he thinks he doesn’t deserve someone like me thats in the light, I'm pretty sure it's something like this. It's typical of him, one of his bad traits but I love him anyway.

Suddenly a big crash interrupted my thoughts. I looked up to see what it was and saw it was the three hopeless idiots fighting like cats and dogs again.

Fuming, I stomped over to them and head butted their heads together.

"QUIT IT!" I shouted angrily.

Natsu and Gray sweatdropped then acted like best buddies whilst Gajeel walked over to Pantherlily and Levy.

I strodded over to the bay and asked for a strawberry cake. My eyes sparkled and glistened when Mira set it in front of me.

I happily ate the strawberry cake, stuffing it into my mouth.

"Mmm~ That was delicious, thank you Mira." I said while wiping my face with a napkin.

She merely smiled in responce.

Suddenly someone walked into the guild door making me gasp at the sight. I saw a flash of blue hair and a red tattoo. I instantly knew who it was. It was Jellal. The one I have been thinking and dreaming about for all this time. 'What do I do!?' I panicked.

Jellal P.O.V

I walked into Fairy Tail's guild then scanned the guild for their master.

"Where's Makarov?" I asked.

Cana sculled down her barrel of booze and just pointed to his office. I walked over there and opened the door to reveal him facing the window so that his back was in sight.

"Makarov, I have something important to discuss." I said seriously.

He turned to face me and replied;

"What's wrong my child?"


Erza P.O.V

(Haha, you have to wait to see what it is~ >:P)

Why is Jellal here? He would usually only be here if there was an emergency. So the question is....what is the emergency?

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