Chapter 2

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Goldie's POV:

I woke to Y/n sleeping soundly on my arm. She was smiling in her sleep, and it made me smile slightly, too. I removed myself from her clutches and began driving on the roads once again. The sun hasn't risen yet, and there weren't many other vehicles on the roads. I took a deep breath every now and then to keep control. During this quiet time, I began thinking about the past, present, and surprisingly the future. There are some people in this world who don't get to experience this kind of peace to think about things like that. While driving, I remembered everything from the past, and I felt like breaking down. I didn't though, and that's all thanks to the rough times. I learned to banish the human emotions and create my own. Previously, I had discovered my few emotions and called them Golden Emotions. 

In the present, I thought about everything that's happened in the passed couple days. Losing Y/n to the human form, almost leaving everything I loved behind. It was all pretty terrible, losing the one thing that made you sane. I still loved everything about her though. Y/n was still my Y/n, but now she's just a little bit different. She's just human, that's all there is. She's just not more like me anymore. I could deal with that...I think.

I kept a steady pace while driving on the road. Jake had woken up a few minutes ago, and he was already gaming on his phone. I rolled my eyes a little bit and continued driving. As I was driving, I spotted a small town-like thing in the distance. I changed course and headed towards there. I didn't know what to expect when I drove in, but I hoped it was something worth while.

I carefully picked my way along the dirt road. In the small down, I spotted a small market-like building in the center. "Why don't you stay here Junior? I'm going to go get some more food for the trip. Tell Y/n that when she wakes up, alright?" I instructed him. Jake nodded as if he understood anything I was saying. I sighed, grabbed my wallet, and headed out towards the market. I made sure my car was locked so nothing could get it.

I walked up to a man that stood in front of the market. He wore ripped overalls with a dirt covered red shirt and brown rain boots. His straw hat had a large chunk out of it on the rim, and his hair was dirty and knotted. My guess was that he was a homeless person. "Hello there sir. Is this market opened for buyers?" I asked stupidly. He nodded slightly and motioned for me to walk inside. I did this with a little hesitation.

On the inside, everything was well lit. I could hear the low hum of refrigerators, freezers, and machines running within the market. I listened around for any sign of a threat and found none. I sighed with relief, but I didn't let my guard down one bit.

I walked down the narrow aisles in search of some snacks for the ride. I grabbed two packages of peanut butter crackers, three packages of mint oreos, and two packages of normal oreos. Along the way I spotted grapes in a refrigerator. I chuckled a bit at that. I searched for the cash register, and when I finally found one I was shocked to see who was behind the register.

"Hello sir and welcome to Save and Shop. How may I help you?" Leiya recited with boredom. She didn't look up at me once. She didn't look like she was in too good of shape either. I was tempted to ask her to come along with me, but I didn't have the guts to at first. "Uh hello there. Can you please check these items out for me? Thanks." I replied to her question. She nodded, and without looking up grabbed my items from my hands and checked them out. Leiya placed everything within a single paper bag and handed it to me. I payed for the things, and I pushed her head up to face me. "Leiya, it's me, Goldie." I said with a small smile.

"Oh. Hello Golden. I never thought I would see your face again. Where have you three been anyway?" Leiya asked. She finally didn't sound so bored or recited anymore. She sounded like the good old Leiya I've grown to know. "We've just been going wherever Junior takes us." I replied. She smiled a bit. "Hey, you wanna get a ride with us? We're not going anywhere in particular, but I'm happy to get you out of this depressing place." I offered after a couple seconds of awkward silence. She shrugged. "Yeah. Thanks Golden. Wherever you go I'll go along with. Do you have a back back seat by any chance?" Leiya asked. I nodded slightly, and the both of us headed back to my vehicle.

The freaky man still stood outside of the market. He kept staring at me as if I'm some sort of freak. Truly I was, but I was wearing my golden beanie. No one could tell these were real bear ears. Leiya and I walked passed him with no problem. The car was perfectly save, and everything seemed to be in tact. Everything would be okay.

Y/n was awake by the time I came back to the car. "Hello Goldie. I see you're back finally." Y/n said. She glared at Leiya. "And it seems as if you picked up some girls along the way. Fantastic." She mumbled. I sighed. Well, I fucked up once again. "Y/n, she's not just some girl. She's my friend, Leiya Lane. Leiya this is Y/n, Y/n this is Leiya." I introduced her. Leiya groaned and fell asleep in the back of the car. Jake groaned as well and continued gaming on his phone. I was going to take that away here soon.

We were back on the road again, and Y/n clung on my right arm the entire drive. Overall, today was a pretty good day. Who knew what tomorrow would bring.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hello guys!!! It's Raven back with another Golden Healing update!!! I hope you are enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it. I know the story seems a little bit repetitive so far, but that's how it's supposed to be. This chapter was just a basic filler I guess you could say. There might not be a lot of action for another chapter or so. I'm working on my writing skills and knowledge for you guys okay??!!! I'm getting tips and tricks from the all amazing boyfriend WillR03 (Check out his profile guys he's amazing).

Anyway that's all for today guys!!!

Question of the Chapter:
Do you have a crush on a fictional character or creature?

My answer: Omg yes I used to, but now I have a crush on a real life person named Will. He's really cute and hot and handsome and he's ju- oopsie sorry Will......heh heh *hides under a black, soft, blanket*

Have a good day/night!!

~{ Raven }~

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