Chapter 6

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Jake's POV:
I felt slightly guilty for leaving Dad like that, but it felt right somehow. The feeling I got from combat skills is unlike any feeling I've had before. The thrill I got from fighting with Leiya was so satisfying I was upset for it to end. I hoped that we would go back home eventually, but I wasn't going to push her quite yet.

Leiya had teleported us to an area with excellent shelter. The shelter was built high in the trees, and the view was absolutely astonishing. I looked around in awe. Leiya walked behind me and smiled. "You like the view Jake? I hoped you would like it." She said. I nodded quickly. "I don't like it, I love it! I've never seen anything like's truly breath taking." I heard Leiya huff and walk off. I wondered what she was doing, but the view was attracting my attention more. Eventually, I broke away from the view and searched for Leiya. I couldn't find her within the first few minutes of searching, but eventually I found her on the ground outside practicing some kind of magic.

I stood on the porch and watched her practice. It made me smile watching her make whirlpools and gusts of colourful, magical clouds. I didn't know what any of them did or meant, but I liked watching her. I worried that I was beginning to have feelings for Leiya. I shook off the feeling and looked away from the window.

Goldie's POV:

I stared at the wall and thought about what I did wrong. I began to question my parenting skills, and I feared Jake would never come back. The room I was currently sitting in was quiet and empty. I listened to the small noises (Y/n) made in the kitchen, and I thought about going in there to talk to her. I went against that thought and walked outside. Sitting on the porch, I stared out into the distance. The birds were chirping, and the crickets were playing their melody. It made me more upset because Jake used to enjoy listening to the birds and crickets at night. I looked down at the boards and frowned. 

"What did I do wrong?" I whispered to myself. I felt like a disgrace for doing what I did, but there isn't anything I can do at this point in time. Fear struck my heart once I walked inside. I've already lost my wife once, and now my son. Will I lose her again, but for good?  The thought ran through my head and sweat rolled down my face. My worries were starting to get the best of me, and it was turning me insane once more. My insecurities turned me into a monster, and it's happening again. 

I ran upstairs to my bedroom and plopped on the bed. I rocked back and forth, hugging my knees tight against my chest. I felt some tears roll down my cheeks, and that's when my head began to pound. The pain was so overwhelming that it began to spread throughout my body. I held my head and continued to rock. I felt a power shock happen in my chest, and I screamed for help. My vision turned black, and I fell into the hands of unconsciousness. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

I'm terribly sorry for not updating this when I was supposed to. I'm really sorry. I had written an excellent POV for Goldie, then the damn thing didn't save. So I had some minor set backs. Also, I know you are probably waiting for the updates of Blood Rain Falls! Well go talk to Will cause that silly Shakespeare hasn't been feeling up to it. I need your help to make Will feel better!!!! Go tell Will that you love his books, and beg for him to update more. Blood Rain Falls is a collaboration book, not a single one. Therefore, I can't update another chapter without Will's leading chapter. Again, I'm sorry.

Question of the Chapter: I still don't know if I should make another book or if I should wait until I've finished one of my current ones. What do you think?

Have a wonderful day/night!!!

~{ Raven }~

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