Chapter 5

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Leiya's POV:

The night continued on, and the rest decided to head to bed. I'm usually the last one to hit the hay, mainly because I barely sleep anymore. I cast a spell on myself to withstand the after affects of not sleeping, and I also alter my appearance so it doesn't seem like I'm sleep deprived. My spells only last so long, though. Sometimes I collapse on the spot, and everyone wonders what happened to me. I'm a strong girl, I'll admit that much, but even I have my limits. I walked around the downstairs for a little while before getting bored. I didn't want to wake the others, so I kept my activities relatively quiet. I stared out the window for a little while again, and I watched the moon shine bright against the black night sky. I smiled slightly while finding the constellations. I thought of all the good times I had with Vincent before he went rogue. I stared to get sad after thinking about Vincent. The good memories always seemed to become corrupted when I thought about them, and soon it will leave me with no good memories to ponder over.

I sighed and walked around the house once more. I refrained from going upstairs and making noise, but I didn't stay quiet enough I guess. Jake had woken up and walked downstairs. "Hey Leiya. What are you doing up?" Jake asked tiredly. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and trudged my way. I smiled and knelt down to his level. "Hey little buddy. You have a bad dream?" I asked kindly. I've been warming up to this kid to be honest, and I wouldn't mind if he looked up to me for assistance. He nodded slightly and rubbed his eyes once again. I messed up his already messy hair, picked him up, and set him on the couch. I sat beside him, and he talked about his bad dreams.

I gave the kid my full attention. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Jake. He doesn't remember Y/N is his mother, and he doesn't know that Goldie was married to Y/N at one point in time. He might still think Sean is his father, but that's very unlikely. I erased his memory of Sean once he left the house, and I don't regret it one bit. It's better if Jake doesn't know about Sean. He was a very bad boyfriend to Y/N, and she deserves the best of the best. Goldie can be a douche sometimes, but otherwise he's pretty good for her. "That sounds pretty bad dude. You want a hug?" I asked him. He nodded a little. I pulled the boy into a tight embrace, and he seemed to enjoy the hug. I smiled because it felt good to do the right thing. I may be a bit evil, but being the good guy isn't so bad. "Thanks Leiya...I have a question for you." Jake said. I shrugged, thinking it couldn't be so bad. "Could you teach me how to fight? Dad won't teach me because he said I don't need to know how to fight and defend myself with you around." Jake explained.

I shrugged again and thought, 'What could possibly go wrong?' I smiled and took Jake's hand. I led him outside and prepared a list of basic fighting knowledge while on the run. We made it far enough from the house, and I smirked with confidence. "Alright Jake, let's begin today's lesson. Depending on how well you comprehend all the skills, those will determine when you actually start learning combat moves and maybe some fighting spells. Let's begin." I told him.

Goldie's POV:

I woke to the sound of birds chirping. I smiled and looked at Y/N sleeping peacefully on the other side of the room in the bed. I sat up on the couch and stretched my arms to the roof. Things were definitely changing between Y/N and I, and I was liking the change a lot. I preferred Y/N to be clinging to my arm rather than slapping my face for trying to hug her or show affection. I preferred Y/N to be my Y/N, and I hoped things go as I hoped they would. I stood up and tip toed out of the room. I felt like an idiot once I shut the door. I could teleport. I teleported to the kitchen and started making some coffee. I looked at the time, and it was around nine thirty. I looked around, and Jake nor Leiya were awake yet. I shrugged the strange feeling off and continued making the coffee. Once the coffee was done, Y/N walked downstairs. I prepared her coffee first, putting everything she loves into her coffee. She smiled and accepted the drink. "Morning Y/N. Did you sleep okay?" I asked her with a warm smile. I took a sip of my coffee. She smiled. "I slept pretty good. Say, where did you sleep?" She asked. I sank a little in my seat. Would she be upset if I told her I slept on the couch in front of her? I sighed. "I slept on the couch." I said. I didn't technically lie. I just didn't clarify the location of the coach. She shrugged. "Oh okay. As long as you didn't sleep with me I'm okay with it." I looked down at my feet with a sad expression. I thought things were going good between Y/N and I. Maybe things aren't always what they seem to be.

I continued drinking my coffee while Y/N got some other breakfast foods to eat. I felt like a terrible person for not getting things for. That's when I heard some magical blasts. "What the heck is going on out there??!!" I shouted, probably slightly louder than I should have. Y/N walked over to the window and gasped. "Uh might wanna see this." She said hesitantly. I walked over to the window, then I teleported outside with a stern expression plastered to my face.

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" I asked with my hands on my hips. Jake and Leiya were in the middle of a battle. "I think I'm teaching Jake how to fight since you wouldn't. Why, do you have an issue?" Leiya asked with a bit of sass. I growled slightly. "Yes, in fact yes I do. Who do you think you are, teaching my son how to fight! I'm his father, not you. You're nothing to him, got that?" I shouted. Leiya looked taken aback. I gulped nervously. I didn't feel bad at all about telling her that. Her eyes filled with red rage. She balled her hands into fists, and Jake stood behind her in fear. "If someone comes and tries to take Jake, he needs to know how to fight back. C'mon Jake, let's go elsewhere where Goldie can't tell you what to do." Leiya said. She smirked and grabbed Jake's hand roughly. He tagged along right behind her as if I wasn't even there. I stood there, mouth hanging wide open in shock. I'm Jake's father, shouldn't he listen to me?

Y/N walked outside and asked about the commotion. I responded with a simple silence. I trudged into the house with a new sense of guilt raining on me. 

~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Well I finally updated Golden Healing XD. Yes I know I need to work on updating Blood Rain Falls because Will really wants to write something. Oopie. He's not with me today, and that makes me sad, but I gotta deal with things ya know? Well, I'm off to finish my homework! See ya guys!!

Question of the Chapter: Should I have Leiya and Jake turn evil and plot against Goldie and Y/N? Or should I have the trio make up and be friends again?

Have a wonderful day/night!!!

~{ Raven }~

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