Losing everything

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Going through the inventory Jade took note of all the accessories which had been delivered that morning. According to the list she was scanning everything got delivered. Turning around when she heard heels clicking away she met the stressed looking pixie face of Nia, the sassy shop assistant who always made things a lot more interesting. Sometimes that was a good thing, sometimes that was a bad thing. Today Jade felt like it was a bad thing.

"A customer is demanding to see the manager."

The tension left Jade's body. The situation wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, just a customer wanting to either complain or a 'professional's' opinion. All the girls working in the shop were professionals, they only hired the best, but some customers always asked for the manager instead. She didn't mind.

"What happened?"

She walked out of the storage room together with Nia, closing the door behind her. Nia was standing by the door which led back to the store, looking annoyed. She scrunched her nose as she tapped away with her foot, the sound of her heel clicking away annoyed Jade to no end. But it was a habit Nia had whenever she was stressed or annoyed. Something she couldn't shake.

"We don't have a dress in her size and she is furious."

"I understand." Putting the list on the table, Jade tapped on it, "You take care of the pricing of this collection while I take care of the customer."


Nia didn't look pleased with her decision, but she did what she was told anyway. Jade fixed her hair and ran her hands over her black dress a few times, getting rid of any dust parts or hairs. Opening the door she entered the store and closed the door to the staff room. She spotted the annoyed looking customer immediately. The woman was angrily chatting away with her friend, standing by the register. Making her way through the store, Jade got behind the register and flashed the woman her polite smile.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

"The other girl told me this dress isn't in my size anymore." The woman wasn't yelling yet, but her red face told Jade she was close to causing a scene, "I told her to order it in, but she refused. Not everyone is a fucking stick!" She pushed the dress toward her friend and searched through her bag, finding a crumpled magazine, flipped through the pages and slammed it down on the counter, "Look, it clearly says it's in the sizes one to sixteen. I need a size twelve, why can't she order it?"

Jade kept a smile plastered on her face while she took care of the problem. She didn't want the woman to cause a scene so she called around, trying to find another store in their chain who did have that dress in a size twelve. After a few phone calls their problem was solved. The woman left the store on a better note which was all she wanted. Nia walked out of the staff room, heading for the register.

"Your phone keeps ringing. Think it's urgent."

"Got it." Jade walked around and pointed to the register, "You take care of this and supervise Kayla and Mary. I'll be in the back, call me if you need anything."

"Sure thing, boss lady."

Calmly walking through the store she greeted the customers who were looking around. Quietly entering the staffroom she headed straight for the lockers and opened hers and then quickly unzipped her bag. Picking up her phone to make the ringing stop.

"Jade Sparks."

"Jade, honey! Thank god you picked up." It was her mom sounding freaking hysterical, "You need to come home immediately. The cops are here and your dad-" She was screeching in such a high pitched tone Jade could hardly understand what she was saying, "Please, I need you here, honey."

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