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author's note: in this story, it is set in a time where jacob and others his age are sixteen. because some of the thematic events i planned out for this story, i decided to bump up the ages a bit. enjoy the story 💕

1: Lily

"Bye Mom!"

Slinging one of my backpack straps over my shoulder, I walked briskly to the coffee shop a few blocks away from school. I slipped my iPhone out of my jeans pocket, checking the time.

Forty-five minutes 'till school. I can make it.

I stuffed my hands in my coat pockets, trying to warm them up. It was freezing, even for New York standards. I grateful when I reached the Starbucks, and felt immediate warmth all over my body when I stepped inside.

I groaned when I saw the long, twenty person line, each individual person waiting to place their order.

I went as quick as I could when I got to the cashier.

"Hi, lemme get a grande hazelnut latte with extra whip and mocha drizzle for Lily, please."

The cashier smiled at me as she outstretched her arm to receive my money.

"That'll be five ninety-five." She said, as I gave her a ten dollar bill. The cashier handed me my change, and as I turned to head to one of the empty chairs, I bumped into someone. I stumbled back a bit, and had to grip the arm of the chair to steady myself from falling. A few locks of hair fell into my face and eyes, and my vision blurred. The boy who I had bumped into stumbled back too as well.  Although, I couldn't see well with my hair in my face, from what I could see with his brunette hair and tall figure, he was cute. I brushed my hair out of my eyes. Very cute.

"Sorry about that." The boy smiled nervously.

"Hey, it's fine." I grinned back, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I looked down at my feet, and caught myself blushing. Blushing? Was I, Lily Taylor, blushing?  After growing up in the big city, I've learned a few things. How to talk to others, being confident. After years of experience, why was I blushing?

"You really know your stuff." He commented, pointing to the cashier.

I looked at him, confused for a moment, before realizing what he meant.

"Oh, ordering coffee? I guess I do know a thing or two." I laughed a little.

"Maybe you could show me around? I'm new around here. " He explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Maybe I could. There is a lot to learn." I offered, slipping out my phone to check the time. Widening my eyes, I realized that I was late. As much as I wanted to continue the conversation, I whipped my head around and made a beeline to the door. But as soon as my fingers brushed the brass door knob, a hand grasped my wrist, holding me back.

I spun around, seeing the boy who I had talked to a moment ago. 

"Hey, I never caught your name." He held me back, still holding onto my wrist. I didn't want to pull back.

"Taylor...Lily Taylor." 

"Well, I'll see you around, Lily Taylor." He winks, making me smile. I throw open the door, and the cool air rushes into the shop.

"And the same goes for you."


first chapter done! don't worry, there's a lot more where that came from.

comment or vote! don't be a silent reader! 😉

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