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4: Lily

I knotted my hands into my hair, frustrated. I really will not past this Biology test. My phone, which was laying on the desk next to my book, buzzed. My phone was the hugest distraction that brought me away from my homework and studying.

Must. Not. Get. Distracted.

Giving in, I grabbed my phone, smiling a little when I saw who it was from.


Believe it or not, it felt weird to say; I preferred Coffee Shop Boy. We started texting for a few days...a lot; not about specifically anything, just things. Jacob continued to get more popular and I, just me. Regular me. We hung out in two different circles, and we talked a lot as well; but texted way more.

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: Hey 😄

Me: Heyyy

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: you're a girl, right? 😂

Me: Last time I checked, yea 😂 lol

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: 😂😂😂

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: lol but anyways, I like somebody, and I want to tell them. What should i say?

My chest tightened. I wasn't the best at giving relationship advice, and I felt I needed to give the best I could to him. I wasn't exactly an expert at that kind of stuff; I haven't ever been in a relationship. I held my breath as I continued to type what I thought was the best answer.

Me: It depends...

Me: describe them, everyone's different. it depends on what they like.

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: I can't really describe her, it's so hard 😂😂

Me: Just think what you like about her, it's actually easy 😑

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: 😂😂

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: well...I guess she's really sweet. And funny. Really funny. Some people don't really like her, but I really do. i...really like her. it's sooo hard to explain.

My heart started to flutter. No.

He wasn't talking about...me?

I mean, I could list a few different people who don't like me.


It couldn't be.

Me: Well, I think

Me: You should just say it to her face. Don't text her or Facetime her. Just tell it to her face.

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: Thx a lot. You have NO IDEA HOW MUCH this has helped me.

Me: You typed in all caps there, I think I have an idea.

Me: Who is this girl anyways? She seems really nice.

Did I just give myself a compliment?

No, it wasn't me.


My heart pounded as the little dots on the screen showed he was typing. It was weird. I haven't felt these feelings before; for anyone. I, for some reason, really hoped it would be me.

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: You promise you won't tell anyone?

Me: Come ON, really?!

Me: Who would i tell?

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: actually idk

Me: ur so popular, it's already going to spread!!! It will have no use if I tell anyone.

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️:  fiiiinneee 😂😂😂😑 😑

Me: So?

Coffee Shop Boy 💕☕️: Sierra. As in, you know, Sierra Carling.


who else is really triggered and heartbroken because this happened.

(that is literally me)


(sorry, get a little ANGRY there)

okay, okay, updating soon. friday?

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