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so we just reached 23k reads!

this story went through a huge rollercoaster of emotions and things so I'd like to give back for waiting a few months so I can update my story and for being the greatest supporters!

(this giveaway is u.s.a only and one winner)

your prizes are:

- a signed, personal note from author and editor (me and slena- )

- a sneak peek on the upcoming chapters of the book

- a copy of a city lights aesthetic, signed

- typed q & a with the author and editor

- possible FaceTime / call with us

- part in the book

the rules are:
- you must be 18 years or older or have parent permission
- if you win, please send your p.o. box instead of your actual home address for safety reasons and mailing reasons. you cannot enter without a p.o. box.
- to enter you have to explain why you would like to win, you have to be followed to me, and spam as much as you can. thats how you get entered. whoever has the most thoughtful message and spammed me the most will win.

any questions will be answered below.

contest ends end of january and mailing starts a bit after that, i'm not sure.

city lights ❁ Jacob sartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now