Move and ignore!

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My parents just finished packing the car, for the way to Norway.
I liked Norway as I remember but I have friends here in Los Angeles that I don't wanna leave. I lived in Oslo before, now I am just going to live in the worlds most boring village. Trofors... There are some celebrity twin brothers who live there. I have never liked them and I will do anything to avoid them!
My bestie is called Amy and she is the most horse loving girl I know. She has 3 horses and ride everyday. Me on the other hand I like horses too but I play football and train everyday.
Amy is 160 cm tall, has blond hair, green eyes and the cutest smile like ever! Me btw I have dark hair, blue eyes, I am 164 cm tall and I have a pretty awesome style if you ask me.

A couple hours later...
We are sitting in the plane on the way to Norway. We will start landing in Oslo, then Tromsø and then we will drive in the car to Trofors.
Now we are in the car on the way to our house in Trofors. I am freezing as hell because it is January and -7° outside. The clock was 18:43 when we drove into the driveway and I were still cold.
And now I am laying alone on a mattress on the floor, still freezing. I don't know why but it's a kind of weird.

Next morning
I wake up by my annoying alarm and go downstairs. This is going to be my first school day in Trofors and I HATE IT! Those Norwegian twins are going to be there and I can't take them with their 'we-can-get-whatever-we-want' attitude.
Soooo now I am eating 2 slices of bread with butter on one of them and jam on the other slice. My mom and I are ready so we walk out to the car and drive over to the new school. Right now I'm on my way to the class, I open the door and step inside. 20 pair of eyes turn against me inclusive the teachers. I close the door and the teacher start talking too me "Hei you must be Sara." I nod with my head and say "Yep that's me. You want me to tell something about myself?"
She nod and smile
"Okay my name is Sara I'm from Norway but moved to LA when I were 8. I love to play soccer and I'm 15 years old." I look out over the class and when I meet the twins eyes I just know that I have to ignore them more than I have ever imagined.

•458 words

Heiii I know no commas but it is really hard to write so much without them so if I started using commas it would take me days to get done with a chapter! Hope you all like it and wanna read more!💖❤️😱😂💎💜


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