I kind of like you

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I wake up by hair that has fallen down on my face. It's Marcus's hair. For fun I try to blow it away but, it keep coming back. I have done it like 12 times now and he scares the hell out if me by saying "good morning." in my ear with his deep and hoarse morning voice. I turn around and smile of his pretty face. He looks confused at me and smile. "I thought you hated me?" he whisper. I nod "I did but you aren't that bad as I thought." I say and kiss his cheek. He blush and smile. "Sara ehm I a kind of like you. I know you don't like me so just forget what I just said. But at least you don't hate me now so I got brave enough to tell you." I can't speak. He just told me that he's in love with me and I just found out that I like him too.... Maybe we are meant to be. Or maybe we are not.... I don't know but I have to answer.. What do I answer?! "Marcus I..."
"You don't have to say anything I know you don't like me!" he says and turn away from me. I look at his back and know that he is the one that I wanna call my boyfriend. He's nice, kind, sweet, handsome, hot and very loving. "Marcus I..." he interrupt me again. "You don't have to tell me Sara." I sigh and turn him around "No Marcus now you listen to me cause I don't hate you I'm in freaking love with you!" We look each other deep in the eyes and...

Then the door goes up. "uhh girl visit huh Marcus?" I think it's their father... Marcus go out of the room and talk to his father. I can hardly hear what they say but if I concentrate I can. "Dad, for f*ck sake she got raped last night and called me. So I helped her!" Then I can hear his fathers voice "So you don't like her? Just a little bit?" Marcus sigh and answer "No dad I don't just like her, I'm totally crazy in love with her!"

Hahaha best chapter ending ever!😂❤️


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