Oh my god...

594 28 11

I will start writing in past tense cause what I am doing now doesn't work for me...

I looked down at my phone and saw his name on the screen....

Marcus is calling...

I touched the red button with my right tum. And looked right into Sophies brown eyes and say "I don't like him and why should I? He's a boy with a twin who is called Martinius, they can get everything they want and they know it! They are so freaking pampered and so many girlhearts have been won by them because of that. So no I don't like him!" She nod and answer "okay but you have to talk with him.". She points at my phone where Marcus,s name keep popping up and say "I'll be in the daily room..." I nod, touch the green button and take the phone up to my ear "Hey it's Sara?"

Marcus~ Hey ehm you haven't answered my calls?
Sara~ I know.
Marcus~ Why and why do you hate me so much? You know that many girls would have given me one of their arms or more to hear me tell them what I told you today, right?
Sara~ I know and exactly that's why I hate you.
Marcus~ Ah you're jealous or?
Sara~ No not at all not like that. I hate you because you tell me that any other girl than me would die to hear you tell them that they are pretty. You do that to make me feel as a bad person or at least give me a guilty conscience. So please stop cause I know but just get the hell out of my life, be popstar with your brother and get pampered as always cause you can and know that everyone likes you. Oh my god I just hate people who thinks and know that they are better than anyone else.
I only whisper the last sentence cause deep inside I hope he didn't hear it.
Marcus~ Excuse me but Sara do you know how it is to be known in the hole scandinavia? Or how it is to get hate everyday or to smile and take pictures with the fans when you are tired and really doesn't want to huh? I don't think so but you can text me when you have realised that we have never thought that we are better than anyone else!

I heard the bib tone and knew he hang up on me. Were I wrong was his live harder than I thought?

Eyy new chapter again!💖What do you think and who do you ship her with?❤️


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