Marcus, I...

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The party is just a small one so I choose to take a basic outfit on.↓

Sophie is wearing this ↓

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Sophie is wearing this ↓

We arrive at the party and start of by drinking a bit

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We arrive at the party and start of by drinking a bit. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, it's Martinus.
"Hey Sara. Can't you do me a favor and talk to Marcus? Since you a kind of told him to stay away from you he doesn't wanna talk with anybody. Not even me." he say with a sad face. I take a deep breath and walk over to Marcus and the boys he sit with. "Hey can we talk?" I ask sweet while I can feel Martinus, Sophie and the boys looking at us. He nod and take me outside with him "What is it Sara? You were very clear when you told me to stay away from you!" And then I realise. He is not angry or offended, he is hurtened of what I said and of how he feel and I don't feel. "Marcus are you okay?" I ask. "Sara just go with all your questions and fake kindness I don't want them or your fake kindness so just go!" He shout at me now. He leaves me completely alone out here without anybody because I wanted to say sorry. But at first I was the one who messed it up.

Now I'm on my way home all alone cause Sophie is sleeping at the house where the party was. It's cold and dark even by the fact that it's August. Suddenly I feel 3 people behind me, and they catch me pretty quick. One of them is Jonas but I can't recognize the last 2. They throw me to the ground and start taking off my clothes. The 2 unknown guys is holding me while Jonas is taking off my clothes and kissing my neck. I am screaming and shouting cause I can't do anything else. He take off my bra and my jeans. When he get to my knickers I use my last energy to kick him in the stomach but I shouldn't have done that. He take of my knickers and open his own pants and take the underpants down. His friend is not small I can feel when he pushes it into me. I scream and cry as it is my dead. Jonas rape me and I can't do anything about it besides look up in the sky. When he is done he and his friends leave. And the first thing I do is to call the only person I know who won't ask any questions and just help.


I take my phone and call him up at 02:43 while I'm crying.
Marcus-Yeah it's Marcus?
Sara-Marcus, I...
Marcus-Sara where are you and what happened?
Sara- I.. I.. I..  got raped... And I'm at something called Skolevegen...
Marcus-Stay there I will find you!

He hang up and about 3 minutes later I see a boy running to me. "Sara oh God! Here take your knickers on and here take my jacket!" I take my knickers and my jeans on while he give me his jacket on. When I'm done he lift me up and carry me the whole way home to him. He opens the frontdoor and step inside. Then he close the door and a pretty angry mom step into the hall. "Marcus where have you been! We wer... What happened?!" She see me in Marcus arms and Marcus say "Get some water in the bath ready mom we can talk later!" She nods and go up to get some water ready. "What is going on?!" A confused Martinus come down the stairs and gasp when he see me. Their mom come down and show that the water is ready so Marcus carry me up to the bathroom and lock the door. He help me off with my clothes and put me in the bathtub. I'm done in the bath and Marcus has got some of his clothes to me. A sweatshirt, Nike shorts and a pair of his older sisters knickers. I change with his help and we go to his room where I break down I just start to cry. Marcus is fast beside me and hug me tight. Until he lay down on the bed and I fall asleep in his arms.

Longest chapter like ever almost 800 words!! Love you!❤️❤️🔥


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