Chapter 14

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Let the Move on plan begin!

"Goodmorning!" I greeted Macy as I went to the concert Venue where we will be having our rehearsals.

"Good morning. You seem to be in a very nice mood. Nice dream?" She asked. I would really tellher that I had the worst dream ever but that would only make it worse.

"yup!  I had the greatest dream ever! and uhhhh about last night.. would you forget all about it? I really don't mind if they're here. I was just shocked about the marriage and stuff like that. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Promise." I told her which left her speechless.

"Well.. That's my queue! Let's talk later! You promised me you'd help me." I said and went to the stage for the rehearsals. I became alive and bubbly when I started practicing. Even the boys were shocked by my sudden behaviour.

"well look who woke up on the right side of the bed. Welcome back my man!" James said as they all hugged me and cheered for me.

"From now on, I will continue to live my life without looking back!" I shouted and they all yelled "YES!" in unison. We continued the rehearsals and went to the nearest restaurant to eat lunch, of course with Macy.


"Thank you so much!" I saida and went at the back stage to prepare for the after party at a new Club near here.

"So you're up for a night without Ellie in your head?" Tristan said.

"of course! Mace! you wanna come?" I asked her.

"me? come with you?" She asked all innocent and cute. She can be really pretty from different angles you know.

"yeah! c'mon! Don't be such a FUN killer." I said as I dragged her with us to the Van and off we go.

"This is the life!" I shouted as I took a seat at the most amazing bar I have ever seen! They have hot waitresses! 

"you know, I like this version of you." Macy said as I drank the tequila I ordered. I didn't care about tomorrow, I care about today and all the fun I'll have.

"Well I like me too. Dance with me?" I asked her.

"why not!" She said and lead me on the dance floor with her. She has quite the moves for a 23 year old unemployed woman.

"want to have more fun?" She asked and I nodded. She lead me towards the DJ booth as she whispered something to the DJ. The DJ gave her a thumbs up and gave me a guitar. 

"We'll be having a little duet tonight." She said as she went up the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Good evening everyone! Me and my friend Brad here would like to sing something for you. I hope you don't mind." She said. The crowd gave her thumbs up and signalled me to come up.

"What will we sing?" I asked her and she grabbed another guitar from the back.

Give me love like her,

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone.

Pain splattered tear drops on my shirt,

Told you I'd let them go.

And that I'll find my corner,

Maybe tonight I'll call you,

After my blood turns into alcohol,

No I just wanna hold you,

Give a little time to me, we'll burn this out,

We'll play hide and seek, to turn this around,

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