Someone New?

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A few days later...

Quake's POV

I carefully hooked the last painting onto the wall."Do you like it? I painted it myself."
Chim scratched the back of his head."I guess it's okay."he stared at the sketch of a cat I drew.
I laughed."Okay,okay! I'll switch this one for the landscape."
Suddenly, a faint laugh came from the forest. I looked out the window to see if it was anyone I knew. I couldn't see anything.
"I'm heading out. Just a second."I called to Chim.
"Kay!"he called back.
I carefully slipped out the door, sword in hand. You never knew what was right behind the corner. With the zombie outbrake, it was a terrible time.
Then, a flash of yellow. I hid behind a tree and looked. There, in a small clearing was a boy about my age. He was playing with a puppy. A very weird one. Skeletal I thought.
I crept up behind him, not making any sounds. I gulped in a lot of air and,"BOO!" I yelled.
The boy jumped and rolled over on the ground. He spun around and saw me.
I couldn't help it. I was rolling on the grass, laughing my heart out."You should have seen your reaction! I knocked your socks off!"
The boy frowned."That was not very nice, Cupquake."
I was startled."How do you know my name?"
"It's written on your shirt!"
"Well,"I read his name tag." was a terrific show. And why do you have a name tag?"
"I work at a very high tech lab."
"Cool, you got anywhere to sleep?"
"No, which is the sad part."
"You can come with me!" I ran through the trees to our small make do house.
I burst through the door."Chim! We've got company!"
Pretty long one today, but you've probably seen longer. Sooooo, the mystery person was TheDiamondMinecart! My favorite YouTuber!
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