Secrets of a Super Human

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???'s POV(same person as last time)

 The torch is still burning, and Tim Tim seems satisfied. It's hard enough trying to find his parent, but with the zombie apocalypse, it's really hard to even feed myself. I've never respected him as much as I did. He's like a little brother I never had. Hopefully I can return him and be done with this horrible journey.

 "Toby."Hunter said."We'd better get moving."

 "But you remember what happened last time we went out this early..."I replied."Two cars crashed into him and one fell on top!"

 "That hasn't happened yet."Hunter chuckled.

 "But it could!"

 "Come on. We'd better get a move on."


Pause's POV

I heard a faint yell come from Chim's bedroom.

 "He's taking it very nicely."I laughed.

 Cupquake giggled."But once he finds out, what do we do now?"

 "I guess we go looking for his kingdom, led by Diamond."Dan replied."She has to know the way!"

 "But what if she doesn't?"Etho said."Then what?"

 I sat there for a second, thinking."Then we hope to Notch that we come across a magical road that leads us there."

 "How did I put up with you for 7 years?"Etho asked.

 "You built your shop half-way across the base from me."

 Diamond burst through the door, an unconsious Chimney by her side."We'd better get moving, before he wakes up."


Etho's POV

Diamond looked down at the small amulet around her neck.

 "Is a magical road gonna appear out of nowhere?"I smirked.

 "Yes, Etho. Of course."she said, as a blue set of foot prints began lighting the way North.

 "I told you it would happen!"Pause exclaimed.

 We began to follow the foot prints. We told eachother of our favorite things and played a few rounds of eye spy.

  "I spy something green."Cupquake said.

 "Leaves for the billionth time."I replied.


 "A creeper?"



 We continued playing for a while until we landed on Truth or Deep Dark Secret. Immediantly, Chim woke up, failing his arms.

 "Creeper! Skeleton! Get away!"he fell of his horse.

  We laughed.

  "Where are we?"Chim asked.

  "We're in a great big world-"Diamond was cut short.

  "I know where we are!"he retaliated.

 Diamond's POV

 "So, Diamond, what's your deepest darkest secet?"Pause asked me.

 I stood there for a second. I had a deep dark secret, all right. Too deep to be told. Too deep to tell anyone. I couldn't even tell my God parent. My parents strictly forbid it, alive or not.

  But I had to breack those bonds that had held me down on Earth since I was born.

  I lifted one foot of the ground, then another, and floated.

  Everyone stared in awe.

 "It's different, I know. You can shun me now, and shut me in the Nether."

 "You're a Creativer?"Chim asked."That's awesome!"

 We ran in for a group hug. Friendship always fixed things.

 "I use my bag to conjure things, so people think I'm just grabbing it from here."

 "There's no need for it anymore, then,"Etho said.

 "But there is. It holds everything that I know of my family. A mother and a father and two brothers."

 "All of this could've been avoided if you just told us earlier."Dan said.

 "Yeah right."I said.

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