Spilling the Beans, Literally

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A few days later...

Chim's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I had a sore back. There was a tention in my arms, and I couldn't move my ankles. I felt immobile.

I noticed three new people. They seemed to be allies. They kept talking and laughing together, but I was out of earshot.

Suddenly, the new girl gasped. Her bell-like tones filled the room."Guys! Get behind me. He's awake."

"Do you think he'll be alright?"Quake asked, her voice quivering.

"Chim will be fine."the Native American assured her.

The new girl pointed her sword at me."Who are you?"

"Chimney."I answered.

"Do you come in peace?"


"Are you sane?"


I heard a clang on the ground. One of the new boys had spilled a can of beans.

"Ooops!"he blushed."Sorry!"

"Etho!"the girl cried out."That was our last can!"

Cupquake looked at me."Chimney, these are Diamond, Pause, and Etho."

They waved.

"Speaking of spilling the beans,"Dan said."Diamond has something to tell you."

I looked at her. She motioned me into my bedroom.

"Please don't freak out."she said."It may be a shocker to you, and it was a shocker to me."

"What?"I asked.

"Well,you are uh,"she hesitated."You're um...you're the king!!!"

"What?!"I exclaimed."I'm the wrong person. You've been mistaken!"

"Chimney,I've never been wrong. Never."


Foreshadowing!!!!!! Maybe. On with the story.


???'s POV

"Oh boy. Why did I have to sign up for this."

Hunter roughly stood his ground next to me.

"I don't even know why I'm even try to become the guild master. I'm better of being a singer or something.

"Hmph. Very well master. You may be as you wish."

I looked out at the sunset."Stargate, Ubisoft, sparkle..."

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