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A few hours later...

Diamond's POV

"When are we going to stop?"Quake asked."My legs are killing me!"

"There's a stop up ahead."I answered.

"I'll try to make some kind of medicene."Dan added."But I don't know if it'll turn out as planned."

"I packed a few medical books in case you know who needs some healing."Etho said.

Chimney faced the other way and folded his arms."I don't need medical attention. Cats and dogs have two colored eyes all the time!"

"Sorry Chim."Etho sincerely said.

"We're here!"I screamed."Stop number one of two."

We ran into the small cabin. It came with ten beds, a small kitchen, and ,

wait, three people?

"Um...hello there?"the oldest man said. He looked to be about 18, maybe 17.

"Hey! You guys traveling too?"the youngest asked. He looked about 3 or 4.

"We can gladly give it up,"the oldest said."We don't need it."

"No, no. You can keep it. We can move on. The next stop is just ten miles up the road."

"Toby! They are people!"the youngest spoke up."They can help us!"

The middle one looked at us."I guess so."

"Yay!"Quake cried. She jumped onto a bed and fell asleep.

We laughed. She is so random!

We all climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.

----The Next Morning----

"Psst. Diamond!"I heard someone whisper."Do you want to go outside?"

"Sure! In a sec."I replied.

I slowly crept passed all the beds. Everyone was sleeping so soundly. It filled my heart with a sense of greatness.

"What is it?"I stepped onto the porch.

"Do you write songs?"Toby asked.

"Sometimes,"I said."It's to get my mind off of stuff."

"Do you want to write about a torch?"

"A torch?"I giggled."What's so special about a torch?"

"It keeps monsters away."

"Like a safety torch?"

"Safety torch!"Toby sang."I never thought you would be a musical type."

"Sometimes music can be your way out of the hard times."

Young Us (A Lesser Minecraft Youtuber FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now