Out of the Blue

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Chim's POV

I screamed at the top of my lungs. Cupquake's voice came out of nowhere! I whipped around, shaking from the fright.

"Quake!"I groaned."You scared me!"

"What's with you and scaring people today?"a boy asked Quake.

"Chim, this is Dan. Dan, this is Chim!"Quake introduced us to eachother.

The young boy waved."So, this is your home?"

"Yep!"I replied."It took weeks, but we did it!"

"So neat how you could survive..."Dan trailed off.

"Did something happen?"Quake asked, unaware that it could offend him.

"I lost someone."he said."I had a chance to save him, but I was to foolish to. It was the worst decision of my life. I'm just gonna step outside for a moment."

Dan's POV

 I closed the door behind me, as a tear rolled down me cheek. I had lost too many lives and I wasn't about to witness another. Life had been so easy, before the apocalypse came. My parents, my best friend, and now the Doctor's. It was to much to hold in. I started bawling. I hoped no one would hear me.

 Suddenly, a hoard of zombies appeared in my line of vision, and they were coming for me. I drew my sword out, but it would be to much. As the group closed in on me, a voice spoke.

"You might want to stand back!"it cried.

"I'll step into one and get killed."I replied.

"Just do it!"it called.

I carefully took a step back as a girl came crashing down into the hoard. With one swing of her sword, the group was obliterated. White smoke rose into the air. I stared in awe.

She looked over at me and smiled. She was around my age with huge blue eyes and flowing blond hair. I had sworn I had seen her before.

"Who are you?"I asked.

"The name's Diamond."she said."BlueDiamond."


Dun, dun, DUN!!!! Yeah, so, plot twist.(You probably saw it coming) I really wanted myself to be added into the story, so I brainstormed and came up with this.

Follow to become a SHINIE today! :D

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