She's Gone

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Omg. The final chapter! I've never been so excited! Except for the time that I started the book, but now I'm really excited...Oh and Happy Late Valentine's Day.

Soooo, I'm really happy. A bunch of you have stuck with me all the way. For that, I'm really happy to say that I have a very special surprise for all of you later. Remember to stick with me in 'Teen Us'

Shine on everyone. Shine on.


A few days later...

Quake's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a very dark room. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the dark.

"Cupquake!"said a soothing voice."How nice of you to join us!"

"Us?"I asked.

The lights flickered on. They were very dim though. I wondered why.

"Yes. Us."the voice replied.

Suddenly, a boy and a bat entered the room. The boy wore all black, with bright red eyes. The bat was almost the same thing, but without the clothes.

"Hey!"I said.

I went over to him, but in midair, a glass wall formed.

"Sorry,"the boy said."It seems like only I can get you out."he snapped his fingers and the wall disappeared.

"So,"I said.

"So,"he looked at me, taking my hand."How about being my dark princess?"

"No!"I cried."Nothing about me is evil!"

"Claw,"the boy said."Bite her."

I felt sharp fangs sink into my neck. Then everything went black.


Chim's POV

I woke up. Light streamed through my window. I couldn't wait to start the day. I pulled on my hoodie and walked out of my room.

Toby's door was open. I walked in.

"Hey,"I whispered."Where you going?"

"The hospital,"Toby replied."One of the guards said he'd be there."

"Mind if I go with you?"I asked.


We walked out the front door of the castle. It was a sunny, spring day. Only a few clouds were in the sky."Everything is awesome!"I thought, remembering what one of the villagers was singing.

Suddenly, Toby was tackled by a 16 year-old.

"Toby!"she exclaimed, kissing him on the forehead.

"Umm..."he said.

"Hunter's okay!"she cried.

"Might I asked who you are?"I looked at her.

"Excuse my manners! I'm HPMLPGal! I was a friend of Hunter's until he was assigned to watch Toby."she smiled.

"We were just about to head to the hospital to see Hunter."Toby informed HPMLPGAl.


I think HPMLPGal means 'Harry Potter

My Little Pony Gal...


We followed Gal into the hospital lobby.

"It's room 105! Bye guys!"

We looked for the room on the first floor. We turned into the 101-120 corridor.

"I guess we're here."Toby said, looking at the door.

He opened the door slowly. A nurse looked at him.

"You can come in boys!"she smiled.

Toby looked at Hunter for the first time since the accident. He ran over to him. Toby hugged Hunter, almost knocking him off his feet.

"How's Quake?"Hunter asked.

He had asked the forbidden question. No one knew the answer. She hadn't turned up anywhere, as long as the search parties knew.

"We don't know."I answered.

"What do you mean?"Hunter asked.

"We don't where she is. She's gone."


We sat around the dinner table. We all picked at our food. No one felt good.

I was glad that Hunter was able to join us today.

There was a knock at the dining room door.

"Come in,"Dad said.

One of the search party leaders walked in."We didn't find her."and he walked out.

At the exact same time our group said the same words.

"She's gone."

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