Chapter 2

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“So, why would you let Alex hit on me when you’re clearly more interested?” Jesse asked Billy at the party.

They had only been there for ten minutes and Alex had gone to get them drinks. From the looks the two women were getting, it was obvious they were very popular in that crowd.

She had expected the party to be at someone’s house, but they had taken her to a club, saying it was a friend’s birthday party. It was crowded with all sorts of people, but weird enough, Jesse felt right at home.

“What’s makes you think am more interested?” Billy asked.

Jesse smiled. She liked playing games. “Aren’t you?”

Billy bit her lower lip, just as Alex came back to join them.

“Would you like to meet some of my friends?” Alex asked.

Jesse wasn’t sure she wanted to, but she nodded anyway and followed closely after Alex.

“Kim?” Alex said.

A gorgeous feminine redhead turned around. “Alex, I thought you were never going to make it. Where is Billy?”

“At the bar, I want you to meet Jesse.”

Jesse stretched out her hand and softly closed it over Kim’s.

“Hello Jesse.”

“Hi Kim.”

“Have you seen Max?” Alex asked her.

“A few minutes ago but I have no idea where she is now,” Kim said.

“Alright, thanks.” Alex reached for Jesse’s hand. “Come on,” she said.

Jesse followed.

“Kim is Billy’s ex, but they’re still good friends,” Alex said.

Jesse turned around to look at Kim again but her gaze met and locked with Billy’s, who was still at the counter. She was standing, talking to someone when Kim approached her.

“Are you sure Kim is over her?” she asked.

“She says she is, but I highly doubt it. Billy broke up with her because Kim was too serious and wanted commitment, a word Billy is deathly afraid of,” Alex said.

“How long ago did they break up?”

“About two months ago,” Alex said. “Oh, there is Max. Let me go get her.”

Jesse watched Alex disappear into the crowd and turned again to look for Billy. A little disappointed when she did not find her, she searched the crowd for Alex.

“Looking for me?”

Startled, she turned to find Billy standing right behind her.

“Did I scare you?” Billy asked.

The teasing tone in her voice calmed Jesse.

“Um, no, you didn’t scare me,” she said.

“So, how is this going to play out?”

“What do you mean?” Jesse asked.

“Are you going to make up some excuse and leave?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because its obvious you do not want to meet our friends.”

A little surprised by how accurate Billy was, Jesse asked, “What makes you think that?”

“I can tell. I have a sixth sense.”

Jesse broke into laughter. “Right,” she said.

“You know Alex really likes you,” Billy said.

“She barely knows me.”

“She thinks you’re gorgeous.”

“She does?”

“Yes, and I think she would love a chance to get to know you better.”

Jesse bit her lower lip, wondering if Alex really felt that way or if it was Billy expressing herself using Alex. “And you’re what? Her messenger?”

Billy tipped her cap to the side, revealing her beautiful face. “I’m nobody.”

When she said that, she looked straight into Jesse’s eyes and slightly tilted her head. Jesse wanted to speak and something told her she was about to say something incredibly stupid or embarrassing, but she stopped herself when Kim came to join them and wrapped her arms around Billy in a rather possessive manner.

Billy looked startled, but when she turned to find the familiar face, she relaxed and asked, “Kim, what are you doing?”

“I was looking for you, I thought you said you’d be right back,” Kim said.

“Hey guys,” Alex joined in.

“Billy, how are you doing?” A masculine female said and wrapped her arms around Billy.

“Birthday girl, are you enjoying yourself?” Billy asked.

“Yes, I’m having a great time. I’m glad you guys could make it,” the woman said, then turned to Jesse. “And who is this lovely woman?”

“Oh, this is Jesse. Jesse, this is Max,” Alex said. 

Jesse extended her hand and Max surprised her by taking her in her arms and squeezing her in a rather flirty manner.

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Max said.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Jesse said.

She let go and Jesse exhaled as though she’d been unable to breathe.

“She’s here with me,” Alex said and Max raised her hands in the air as though in surrender. “Max is my older sister.”

 “Oh.” That explained her friendliness. 

 “Stick around, meet some people, have some fun,” Max said before she disappeared.

 “Sorry about that,” Alex said.

 “Don’t be. I thought she was nice,” Jesse said.

 “You want to go somewhere and talk?”

 Jesse looked at Billy. Kim was unsuccessfully trying to get her attention. Billy was nodding, but it was obvious she was not listening to what Kim was saying.

 “Jesse?” Alex said.

 Jesse cleared her throat and nodded. “Yeah, sure,” she said.

 “This way,” Alex said as she led the way.

 Jesse tore her gaze away from Billy’s. She was an intriguing woman. Too bad after that night they would never see each other again.

 “I’m sorry we’ve not had a chance to talk,” Alex said.

 They went to the VIP lounge of the club where a seat was reserved for them and sat down.

 “It’s fine,” Jesse said.


Star Crossed Lovers (Girlxgirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora