Chapter 12

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Jesse’s POV

“Are you okay?” Alex asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. I think I had a little too much to drink,” she said. 

“Well, here we are.” 

“I would invite you in but I am so exhausted. I just want to lie down,” Jesse said.

“Its no problem, but are you sure you’re fine? You look a little bit shaken up,” Alex said.

“It must be the cold, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.” She quickly pecked Alex on the cheek and walked in. After closing the door, she went to the kitchen, got herself a bottle of water and took a long sip.

She still couldn’t believe what had happened. She wondered if Billy had been able to take care of the situation. If Alex ever found out about them, it would break her heart. Maybe Jesse should have quit it instead of prolonging it, making it look like they had a future when clearly, there was none. 

If there had been one, she was pretty sure it was over by now. Alex would get hurt anyway and neither she nor Billy would get what they wanted. This was all Billy’s fault. If she hadn’t kissed her, but God, what a kiss it had been. She touched her lips at the memory.

What had Billy been thinking kissing her like that when anyone could just walk in and find them? And someone had. There was no telling what would happen now. Everything was bound to get even more complicated. 

God, why had she kissed Billy back? Why hadn’t she just pushed her away and walked off? Why did her body react so quickly to Billy? Was it because of the familiarity? Because of what had already happened between them? Was her body’s memory so good, that when Billy kissed her, she so easily gave in?

If that was the case, why had she felt something when Alex had kissed her? Why had their kiss triggered such an emotional response? How could she like both women so much and in such different ways? Alex had it together while Billy was a mess. Alex was controlled and knew how to handle situations while Billy seemed to cower and let others take care of the mess. 

It didn’t matter. Soon enough, everyone would know she’d been with Billy and everything would come to an end. She’d have nothing more to worry about, except missing the two women who seemed to bring out so much in her. She’d have just herself to worry about.



Alex’s POV

“Good morning,” Alex said.

Jesse seemed unusually tense and Alex knew why. 

“Good morning,” she said.

Alex had called her for breakfast and they were seated across from each other on the booth. A waiter had just brought over two steaming mugs of coffee, a couple of pastries and bacon.

Jesse nervously played with her pastries and Alex said, “I know what happened last night.” 

Jesse’s head shot up but before she could speak, Alex slightly raised her hand to stop her. She needed to speak without interruptions so that Jesse could understand her.

“I shouldn’t have gone after Kim. I’m sorry I left you alone. I knew everyone would be worried about her and someone needed to talk some sense into her. I guess that someone shouldn’t have been me considering you were there on account of me.”

Jesse’s expression gave nothing away. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, as though she’d been expecting her to say something else. Alex had thought leaving Jesse alone at Lana’s and Jade’s to go look for Kim was what had upset her.

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