Chapter 14

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Jesse’s POV

“Do you plan to do anything about it?”

Jesse raised her eyebrow. She was in her office talking to Fred. “You know, if you had just shown up for our date that night, none of this would have been happening. I never would have met Alex or Billy.”

Fred shifted in his chair as though he was uncomfortable. “Way to guilt-trip me,” he said.

Jesse got to her feet and started pacing back and forth. Even if there was something she could do, what would it change?

“Okay, let me ask you this? Are you happy with Alex?” Fred asked.

“Yes, I actually am,” Jesse answered.

“Then stay with her,” he suggested.

“But Billy is hurting. I saw the look in her face when she saw us. I thought she’d be okay with it, I thought I was okay with her seeing us together but I just can’t handle it. I really like Alex, but I like Billy too and it kills me that am hurting her. I just don’t know what to do,” she said, plopping herself back on her seat.

“Then break up with them both,” Fred said.

Maybe she should have done that before she’d let herself like both women. “I know its selfish to do this, but Billy made her choice. I like Alex and I want to stay with her.”

“Can you handle seeing Billy hurt all over again?”

She groaned in frustration. She knew Fred was just trying to help, but his questions did not provoke answers she had quite yet.

“This morning when I saw Billy, she said that she promised Max she would stay away from me and that she intended to keep her word. If I stay with Alex and Billy actually does succeed in staying away, maybe we’ll be able to get over each other and eventually even get along.” It was wishful thinking, she knew but it didn’t hurt to hope.

 “Maybe,” Fred said.

Jesse chewed on her lower lip, as she dug deeper into her thoughts. She had warned herself from the very beginning and she had known it would come to this, she just hadn’t prepared herself for the repercussions. She was going to end up hurting two people who did not deserve it. Two people whose lives had been perfectly fine before she’d ever shown up.

She hoped it would never get to that. She was with Alex. She had made her choice. That was how things were going to remain.


The following few days turned into weeks and things were working out just fine. Jesse’s company was doing well. Alex somehow managed to get her a few more clients who liked her work and hired her company’s services. Fred couldn’t be happier as a partner, because the clients were high-end and very well financially endowed.

Jesse’s relationship with Alex kept growing. She found herself spending more and more time with Alex and thinking less and less about Billy. It could have been it was because whenever they were together, they were either alone or whenever they were around Alex’s friends, Billy was never present.

Max did not make it a secret that she did not like her and Jesse did not blame her. Maybe if she understood the circumstance of the beginning of everything, she would have been a little more understanding but Jesse tried not to dwell on it.

Alex explained Kim’s absence from the group and Jesse understood, Max and Joss made it official that they were now a couple and Jade and Lana were still together. Jesse envied how perfect they appeared to be. They were like two parts of a Barbie doll. Not a strand of hair was out of place and not a single smile was crooked. Their love seemed so perfect, it was almost unusual.

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