Chapter 9

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Jesse’s POV

Jesse was dreading that night. She did not know what was going to happen. It was one thing going on a date with Alex, just the two of them, but it was something completely different when it involved Alex’s closest friends and among them, Billy.

Their last date had been a disaster. She’d told herself that going out on a date with Alex after what she’d done with Billy was a bad idea, and because of that, she’d ended up ruining the whole night. Alex was not to blame, she’d been kind, sweet and patient.

Jesse was the problem. She rammed it so hard into her head that what she was doing was a mistake, she did not know how to have a good time. She’d asked Alex for a second chance in an attempt to make it up to her, but she’d not expected to be taken to a party of close friends.

After a couple of days of thinking about everything, Jesse had come to conclude that what had happened with Billy had been a mistake that would never be repeated and Alex did not have to suffer for it. If things failed to work out between them, it wasn’t going to be because of what had happened with Billy.

Alex was the kind of woman Jesse could fall for. She was real, she made her intentions known, she had no drama and a part from that, she was a genuinely good person. Those were rare qualities in a person.

After dressing up for the party, she heard the doorbell. Alex was half an hour early. Jesse went to open the door and froze when she saw Billy instead.

Just like last time, she had a baseball cap on, which was tipped over her eyebrows, slightly hiding her eyes. She was in a pair of black denim pants, a red t-shirt, a boyfriend jacket on top and a pair of sneakers. Her hair was held up in a ponytail at the back, exposing her lovely jaw line.

“What are you doing here?” Jesse asked when she found her voice.

Alex had told her to dress casually so she was in a pair of pencil pants and a top that exposed her gorgeous cleavage. The high heels she was wearing made her slightly taller than Billy, but they made her legs look longer and leaner.

“We need to talk,” Billy said.

Jesse stood there, contemplating the idea of shutting the door on Billy’s face, but decided to give her a chance. She resented the fact that she was still so powerfully attracted to Billy, but what could she do? “What do you think we need to talk about?” she asked.

“Aren’t you going to let me in?”

Jesse exhaled, and left the door open for her to enter.

“First of all, I am sorry for the cowardly manner in which I left. I was really confused and didn’t know how I would face you.”

Jesse silently listened. The apology made sense and she had already forgiven Billy for that because it may have been cowardly, but Jesse would have probably done the same thing too.

“Secondly, I came to see you tonight because I didn’t want things to be tense and uncomfortable between us.”

Well, at least she was brave enough to try and fix the situation before a harder one presented itself.

“Why didn’t you tell her? Why did you let her come here to ask me out after what happened between us? Do you think she deserves what we’re both doing to her?” Jesse asked.

Billy rubbed her temple with her fingertips, then went to take a seat. “I couldn’t tell her, Jesse. I knew she liked you too and I had no right to kiss you,” she paused.

Jesse felt her cheeks warming up. She did not want to remember that night, especially not with the other participating person in the same room. She wanted it to stay in her mind, right where she could do with it as she pleased.

“But there was something… something stronger than me that just wanted more of you,” Billy said.

Jesse turned to look away. She did not want to meet Billy’s eyes.

“She doesn’t deserve what we’re doing to her,” Billy said.

Jesse didn’t know she’d gotten up and walked up to her until her voice startled her by its closeness. “You shouldn’t have come here tonight,” she said.

Billy removed her baseball cap, revealing those deep intense eyes. Jesse felt like her heart had literary stopped for a second.

“I didn’t intend to, but somehow, I just found myself here.”

Their first night together had been fun because there had been no restrains or obligations but things were now different. It wasn’t quite so easy to act when there were consequences now involved. But when they stood a touch apart like that, Billy’s eyes intimately caressing her as though they were in each other’s arms all over again, it felt like they could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

“Do you think we should tell Alex?” Jesse asked.

Maybe they could still salvage the situation. If they told Alex the truth while it was still early and nothing had happened yet, then maybe things could still take a turn for the best.

“I don’t know if its such a good idea,” Billy said.

“Because it’ll hurt your friendship?”

Billy nodded.

“Maybe if we tell her…” she trailed off. She wasn’t sure it was the right direction to go, but standing there, undeniably drawn to Billy clouded her judgment, making her think from her attraction point of view.

“What?” Billy asked.

Jesse wanted to finish the statement but she realized that once it was out, she’d lose all power and control she had in that situation. She’d admit to her sexual attraction towards Billy and leave herself at the mercy of a woman who was willing to let her best friend date her instead.

“Never mind,” she said.

It was getting late and Alex was probably almost there. They had discussed all there was to, hopefully things would be much easier now.

“What were you going to say?” Billy asked.

She had such soft beautiful features that Jesse wished she could reach out and touch her. Her eyes were a little dark, almost as though she was afraid.

“Alex will be here any minute,” she said.

Billy stood there a while longer, searching her eyes, waiting, and then she cleared her throat, put her cap back on and said, “Right. I should get going.”

Jesse nodded. It was for the best. The last thing she needed right now was more complication after she’d just gotten out of a difficult relationship. Putting herself in between two women was more than she had bargained for.

She was going to fight it with every breath in her body. If Billy could not be brave enough to tell Alex about their night together, if she did not want Jesse enough to tell Alex that she was into her as well, then Jesse was not going to do it for her. She chose her own battles and that was one she was happily going to bow out of.



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