Chapter 11

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Billy’s POV

“They make a cute couple, don’t they?” 

Billy looked up at the question and found Max standing beside her. She followed Max’s gaze and landed right where she’d been staring; Jesse and Alex, dancing, holding each other, whispering what appeared to be sweet nothings to each other and laughing. “Uh, yeah, they do,” she said.

If the ocean view had been scenic, it paled in comparison to Jesse. She moved with such ease, laughed with such mirth and fit in so perfectly with the rest of people in the room, Billy wished she was hers. 

She loved Alex as a sibling would love another and she wanted to keep whatever she felt for Jesse to herself but, watching her, seeing her again, especially that evening right before they had come to the party, it killed her.

It didn’t matter how short a period of time they had known each other, their attraction was as mutual as it was undeniable. That evening at Jesse’s house when Billy had gone to see her, she’d been so close to taking her in her arms again. It hurt her finger tips that Jesse could be so close yet so dreadfully far away. 

“Are you and Kim alright?” Max asked.

Kim had walked out shortly after their argument. It annoyed Billy that she could so easily act like the victim when she was the one who had initiated the argument. After Billy had gone back to the house, Kim had come to talk to her, or rather try to force her to talk. Billy had not been in the mood, so she’d stayed quiet, knowing she’d not say something pleasant.

When Kim had poked her enough, Billy had acted upon her anger and Kim had decided to create a bigger scene than there had been need to. After a long fruitless and heated discussion, she’d walked out. Billy wasn’t bothered about going after her. Maybe it was time Kim learned that what had been there between them was now over.

“I’m good, but I can’t say the same for Kim,” she said. 

“Do you think she’s going to be okay?” Max asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. As much as she didn’t return Kim’s feelings, she still cared for her as a friend. 

“Don’t you think you should go after her?” 

She had no intention of doing so. Before she could voice that, Alex and Jesse joined them. She cleared her throat and tipped her baseball cap a little more over her eyes. She was afraid that her hungry gaze at Jesse would give her away.

“Is everything okay?” Alex asked.

“Billy and Kim had an argument and Kim stalked out. I was asking Billy if she’s going after her in case something happens,” Max explained.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea. Kim is upset with Billy and Billy is upset with Kim. If she goes after her, it will only make the matter worse,” Alex said. 

“So what do you suggest we do? It’s late and we can’t just leave her out there. Anything could happen,” Max said.

“Why don’t I go? I know the beach pretty well, I know where she’s likely to go and I think she might find it easier to talk to me since I’m Billy’s best friend,” Alex suggested.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Max said.

After that, Max walked back to Joss and Alex turned her attention to Jesse. “You’re comfortable, right? Because I don’t want to leave you here if it’ll make you uneasy,” she said.

“I’m okay, go, I’ll be fine,” Jesse said.

Billy watched in surprise as Alex took Jesse in her arms and kissed her. It wasn’t a light little kiss, or a peck on the cheek, it was a full on kiss that crushed her heart underneath her chest. She had not been aware their relationship had progressed thus far.

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